STANNUM or TIN ( Sn ) ; is one of the main Metal . Tin bonds readily to Iron and is used for Coating Lead or Zinc and Steel to prevent Corrosion . Tin plated steel containers are widely used for Food preservation . Tin foil was once a common wrapping material for Foods & Drugs ; now is replaced by Aluminium foil .

Stannum is especially suited to persons , who have long been growing FEEBLE . The chief action of Tin is centered upon NERVOUS SYSTEM causing EXTREME WEAKNESS , especially felt in CHEST .

There is SENSITIVENESS to pain & an increasing aversion to doing anything , aversion to Business in a Man and in a Woman to going about her House work ; ALWAYS TIRED , all work becomes irksome . The Patient is unable even to Walk ; drop into a Chair instead of Sitting down .

Very Sensitive as to what others say about Her ; Anxious , Nervous , Sad < before Menses and > by flow . Miserable and Discouraged . Cannot get rid of an idea once fixed in her Mind . Stannum is a low spirited remedy and with HOPELESSNESS . Taciturn and dislike to Society , dread of seeing People . Sudden fit of Passion ; Forgetful & Absentminded . Uneasy - know not , what to do with Himself . 

Hopeless DESPONDENT ; feels like Crying all the Time , but Crying aggravates ., they know they will Die soon . Palpitation & Anxiety occurs from ever so slight Exertion .

There is SEXUAL EXCITEMENT in both sexes ; in Male Emissions with excessive PROSTRATION . In Female the ORGASM is easily produced - Scratching or Rubbing of Arm produces an intolerable sensation of pleasure in Genital organs which extends to Uterus and produces Orgasm .

There are Peculiar SENSATIONS - as if all Objects were too far off ; as if fore-head were Shattered or pressed inward ; as if she would faint etc ., 
Earnest application to Business ; with inability to complete anything Under-taken . DISCOURAGED ; Ill humor . Nervous excitement ; can go along well with the People ; Anxiety about Feature . Get an aversion to People , because of Weakness . DIFFICULT CONCENTRATION , because of Mental Weakness ; thoughts go from one Subject to another ; Begin one task & get off into another without finishing any .


CHILLY patient . Hydrogenoid constitution .

The Countenance becomes increasingly sallow even to a waxy cachectic aspect . EMACIATION with . 

One who has been growing weaker & develops NEURALGIA of the Face , Eyes , Stomach & Intestines , this Neuralgic pain beginning gradually , increasing steadily and then diminishing gradually .

The pain sometimes begin with Sunrise , increasing until noon & gradually diminishes & ceases with Sunset ( Kalmia ., Cactus ., Nat-m ., Sang . ) .

The PHTHISICAL TENDENCY of Stannum is closely allied to the Neuralgias ; if these patients settle down into a Neuralgic Constitution , the deposit of Tubercles is postponed , but most of them seek Palliation with the inevitable result of hastening the end .

If the Stannum Neuralgia is Suppressed , we will see Phthisis making its appearance . The pain has been likened to the PULLING OF A STRING , gradually increasing & gradually letting up .
The Stannum pain is at times so severe , that there is a Throbbing , Pulsating intermingled with it & the Mind seems stunned .
Headache , every morning over LEFT EYE , gradually extending over the whole forehead & increasing and decreasing gradually often with Vomiting and associated with Lachrymation .
Finally he begins to take Cold in the Chest with Dyspnoea , Violent racking Cough , Gagging , Retching , Vomiting and the most intense sufferings . HAEMATEMESIS with .

Copious , thick Yellowish-green or Bloody Expectoration , which tastes Sweetish ( Phos ) . Cannot walk , cannot do anything with-out Cough ; ALWAYS TIRED , it is an effort to work .
This great weakness is manifested in the Voice ; Hoarseness , Loss of voice , the Vocal cords will not respond ; a Paralytic Weakness . Talking makes him feel weak , especially in the chest . OPPRESSED BREATHING from ascending , from the Slightest movement , when Lying-down in the Evening from Coughing .
Chest so weak that he cannot Talk ; EMPTY FEELING in the Chest . Very much Exhausted from talking or reading aloud .
Stannum is not Dangerous in Phthisis and will Palliate the case , if it is Incurable . Weakness is felt much more on going down stairs , than going up .

Copious , thick , yellowish-green Leucorrhoea in Women ; The Menses too Early , too Profuse & Bearing down in the Uterine region ; Prolapsed Uterus & Vagina .

Paralytic symptoms ; Writer’s Cramp . Colic better from pressure , lying on the Stomach , bending double & < motion .

Monday Constipation - or Constipation occurring on days following rest days .


- Activity ; desires .
- Admonition - aggravation .
- ,, - aggravation - kindly , even .
- Ailments from - anger - anxiety ; with .
- ,, - fortune ; from reverse of .
- Amorous .
- Anger - taciturnity ; with .
- Anger - violent .
- Anguish - menses - during .
- Answering - abruptly .
- ,, - aversion to answer .
- Anxiety - business ; about .
- Anxiety - future ; about .
- ,, - menses ; before .
- Anxiety - motion - aggravation .
- Avarice - anxiety about future ; avarice from .
- Aversion - men ; to .
- Barking .
- Benevolence .
- Bulimia .
- Business - aversion to .
- Clairvoyance .
- Company - aversion to .
- Conversation - aggravation .
- Delusions - faint , he would .
- ,, - disease - incurable disease ; he has an .
- Despair - heat , during .
- ,, - perspiration , during .
- Discouraged .
- Doubtful - recovery , of .
- Exhilaration .
- Jesting .
- Fear - evil ; fear of .
- ,, - men ; of .
- Hatred - men , of .
- Hypochondriasis .
- Inconsolable .
- Industrious , mania for work - menses ; before .
- Insanity , madness - erotic - menses ; before .
- Irresolution , indecision .
- Irritability - air , in open - amelioration .
- Loathing - work , at .
- Memory - weakness of memory .
- Misanthropy .
- Mischievous .
- Mocking .
- Mood , changeable .
- Morose - taciturn .
- Music - aggravation .
- Quiet disposition - air ; in open - amel .
- Sadness - menses , before .
- Sitting - inclination to sit .
- Generals - weakness - emissions , after .
- ,, - ,, - Leucorrhoea - with .
- Chest - Phthisis pulmonalis ( = Pulmonary tuberculosis ) .


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