CHOLERIC TEMPERAMENT :- A person who is choleric is a DOER . ( doer means a performer ) ; They have a lot of Ambition , Energy & Passion , and try to instill it in others . They can Dominate people of other Temperaments , especially the Phlegmatic types . Many great Charismatic Military & Political figures were Choleric ; Authoritative , Dominating , Resourceful , Confident beings .
The Choleric temperament is associated with the Liver , Gall bladder , Digestive and Eliminative systems . They Usually has a Warm , Dry , Rectangular or Square body , Tight Connective tissue , Yellowish Complexion and are Practical and Rational , yet prone to Anger , irritability and impatience . Dynamic persons dreams big and aim to reach them . He is very Diplomatic and wants work done at any cost . Innate LEADERSHIP qualities .


MAIN FEATURES : Adventurous persuasive , confident powerful people . They are good decision makers , born leaders - as they are innately aggressive .

EMOTIONS : Strong will . Dynamic , active and exude confidence . Unemotional people . They never fail to correct wrongs , are independent and self – sufficient .
AT WORK : GOAL oriented ; Very organized ; Delegate work - they demand production and high output from their colleagues and juniors ; Critical of errors ; Executives of a Company . Very ENTHUSIASTIC .

AS A FRIEND : Have little need for friends , extremely SELF-CENTERED . They reject the love and affections of people ( want only in their terms ) excel in handling emergencies .

AS A PARENT : They are the LEADERS of the family , they set goals and wants results . Very Fastidious . ( Nux-v ) .
He feels they know what is best for the people around them and how they should behave , only Emotion expressed is Anger . Loves tenderness and warmth .

STRENGTHS : 1 ) . A keen INTELLECT . he is a man of reason , while his emotions are poor and stunted ; 
2 ) . A STRONG WILL - not tightened by difficulties . But in case of obstacles he works hard until the goal is reached ; 
3 ) . Very strong PASSION - if there is any obstacle , he is filled with excitement until is done . All DICTATORS ; 
4 ) . LEADERSHIP qualities - a strong impulse to DOMINATE others ; 
5 ) . HASTY - He is immediately and totally absorbed by the aim he has in mind and rushes for his goal with great haste .
6 ) . Very successful in his professional work .
7 ) . He cannot be without work . 
8 ) . He can tackle any crisis condition .
9 ) . His speech is brief and definite . This brave men POSITIVENESS and firmness in speech and appearance gives him a great deal of authority . 

WEAKNESSES : 1 ) . SUPERIORITY COMPLEX - He is full of Himself , he has a great opinion of his good qualities and his Success , full work and considers him as something extra-ordinary .
2 ) . Very Stubborn and Strong opinions - he thinks he is always right , TOLERATES NO CONTRADICTION and never willing to give in .
3 ) . Great deal of Self-confidence - He refuses the advice of others and prefers to work alone . He thinks he is more capable and does not like to be advised .
4 ) . He despises his fellow men . He think others are weak , ignorant , unskilled , slow , when compared to himself .
5 ) . Domineering and inordinately ambitious . He wants to hold the first place to be admired by others . He even persecutes by unfair means those who dare to oppose his ambition .
6 ) . Deeply hurt when he is humiliated or put to shame .
7 ) . Anger - vehemently excited by contradiction , resistance and personal offenses . This anger easily degenerates into hatred / grievous offenses - he cannot forget . He ruins his health , his work , his position and may totally ignore and cast aside the very plans for which he has worked for years .
8 ) . Decent Hypocrisy disguise : Once his pride as self will are affected will lead him to lowest of vices - like Lies , robbery , murder and considers justified if done for the party with out consideration for the cost of human suffering .
9 ) . Lack of Sympathy - He is man of reason . Most of the Dictators . He is very hard , heart-less , cruel in regard to the sufferings of others . He is the one who stands on the other person’s feet to look taller .


- A / F - Anger , vexation .
- Industrious .
- Censorious .
- Contradiction , intolerant of .
- Haughty .
- Malicious .
- Destructive .
- Impatient .
- Capriciousness .
- Dictatorial ( domineering ) .
- Quarrelsome .

DRUGS : Anac ., Bell ., Bry ., Ipecauc ., Kali-c ., Lach ., Nux-v ., Psorin ., Sep ., Sulph ., Thuja ., Verat-alb .,

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