PHLEGMATIC TEMPERAMENT : While phlegmatic are generally SELF - CONTENT AND KIND , their SHY personality can often inhibit enthusiasm in others and make themselves Lazy and resistant to change . They are very Consistent , Relaxed , Rational , Curious & Observant , making them good Administrators and Diplomats . Like the Sanguine personality , the Phlegmatic would enjoy having close friendships and alone time also . Unlike the Sanguine personality , they would tend to be more Dependable . 
These individuals are slow paced and STUBBORN . Sleep can regenerate a Phlegmatic . They are the ones who are not ruffed by anything they don’t cause trouble . They easily get along with others and they don’t have any enemies .

MAIN FEATURES : They are Friendly , Patient , Contented and Peaceful people .

EMOTIONS : Calm , Easy going and all purpose person . He is consistent to life and going well balanced .

AT WORK : Always late to reach for work . He prefers to avoid conflicts and hence is peaceful and agreeable to his boss . Always manages to find a easy way out ( mother complains about the child who reads in the bed with pillows all around ) .
Calc patient believes in CORRUPTION . They very slow in childhood and want all the good things in life with out having work for them ( When the teacher writes on black-board all their books are forever incomplete and they cheat to pass ) . They achieve in 2-3 years what others will not manage even after years of fine education & hard work , all through his corrupt ways .

These patients sit back and watches other temperaments , busy doing things wrongly and looking at all the things in the world that need to be changed , they rarely initiate any action against this injustice . They are the most stable ones when it useful to making changes . Because of lack of involvement these people are Natural Negotiators and Diplomats .

AS A FRIEND : He is easy to get along . He is a good listener and has comparison and concern for his friends . The Phlegmatic has no fear of rejection and can handle affectionate and hostile people . They are called easy going people .
They have no Emotional outbursts , Exaggerated feelings , Anger , Jealousy , Unforgiving stance . Their cool attitude can hurt people . They do not get involved . 
Rarely Self – Sacrificing ; Unemotional and Unexpressive .

AS A PARENT : Always takes out time for Children , Family oriented . They have no expectations & demands from their children , as they are not at all Workaholics and spends time at Home .

CHARACTER of the Phlegmatic temperament : The MIND is WEAK and not touched by any Impression ; Experience Changeable moods , One moment happy and the next moment sad . Cry for happy or sad reason or no reason at all ; If they are under prolonged stress they become sad & withdrawn and became shy , inward and dreamy .

FUNDAMENTAL DISPOSITION : He has very little interest in whatever goes on about him ; He has very little inclination to work , but prefers repose and leisure to him everything proceeds and develops slowly ; They generally prefer to be in their world and do not have Diverse Hobbies on Occupations ; They are not very demanding in terms of Friendship or work .

WEAKNESS : Inclined to ease , Eating and drinking , is LAZY doing work and neglects his duties ; He has NO AMBITION and doesn’t aspire for lazy things if he has to work hard for it ; UNWILLINGNESS tends to become an observer rather than a participant ; INDECISIVE and very difficult to motivate , He leaves the project in mid-way if he thinks too much effort is involved ; CANNOT COMPREHEND EASILY and have a difficulty in assimilating any information easily .

STRENGTHS : Works slowly but Preservingly , if his work does not require much thinking ; they are very good workers at clinical level ; He is not disturbed easily by failures or suffering , HE HAS A COLD , SOBER AND PRACTICAL JUDGEMENT ; He has no intense passions and not demand much of life .

- A/F Mental work .
- Dullness , sluggishness .
- Confidence wants of .
- Childish .
- Irresolute .
- Indolent , aversion to work .
- Mildness .
- Timidity .
- Ideas , deficiency of .

Their main sphere of action is association with the brain fluids , lymph and Genito-urinary system .
The phlegmatic temperament usually has Chilly , Watery , Round or Oval body with a White Complexion , lax soft tissue ; and are Sympathetic and Sensitive , yet prone to Fearfulness , Tearfulness and Sadness .

DRUGS : Caps ., Puls ., most Carbons .,

These are the 4 Humors in respective order : CHOLERIC ; MELANCHOLIC ; PHLEGMATIC and SANGUINE . 


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