( White Oxide of Arsenicum )
ARSENICUM ALBUM is one of the most important Medicines in HOMOEOPATHY that we encounter at-least 1 Patient in a day of our regular Practice . In the Arsenic person there is a feeling of INSECURITY of loneliness , of being Isolated , and of not belonging ; So it manifests as ANXIETY , FEAR and INSECURITY .

Feels VULNERABLE and DEFENSELESS especially concerning DISEASE and DEATH . Needs COMPANY for reassurance and support . Selfish , demanding and clinging ; POSSESSIVE , GREEDY . ORDERLY , CENSORIUS , CRITICAL and PERFECTIONIST . FEARFUL of Robbers , Poverty , Disease etc ., 

The Disposition of Arsenic is - a ) . Depressing melancholy , Despairing and Indifferent . b ) . Anxious , Fearful , Restless ; Full of anguish . c ) . Irritable , Sensitive , Peevish , easily vexed . The greater the Suffering the greater the ANGUISH , RESTLESSNESS and Fear of death . MENTALLY Restless , but Physically too weak to move ; Cannot rest in any place ; Changing places continually , wants to be moved from one bed to another , and lies now here and now there .

Anxious fear of death ; thinks it is useless to take Medicine , is Incurable and is surely going to die ; dread of death , when alone or going to bed . Attacks of anxiety at Night driving out of bed < after midnight .

The Patient sees the World as threatening , Chaotic . He feels that he is Weak , Defenceless and Old ; and that there are thieves all around him and ready to take advantage of his weakness . He needs people and is dependent on them because of his weakness , yet feels that they cannot be trusted that they are interested only in his Money . However he cannot do without them and hence is very careful that he shouldn’t offend them , lest they leave him and go away . He is MISTRUSTFUL and SUSPICIOUS , CAUTIOUS and anxious in all matters , Money , Relationships and even Health . The insecurity of Arsenicum is on a more Physical plane , it manifests as an unrealistic fear of Poverty & destitution , leading to the Characteristic frugality of Arsenicum when it comes to spending Money , especially on others . Arsenicum people tend to keep a tight hold on the Purse strings ; Very AVARICE .

The Ars person has a hypochondriacal anxiety , It is also another expression of the Physical Insecurity ; he fears that he will lose his health unless he exercises regularly and will avoid many things which he feels are harmful . He will not eat out in Restaurants , Chat etc ., and will impose many restrictions on himself in diet and other matters . This fear of illness can lead to an Obsession with Personal hygiene & also with diet . His life is full of anxiety . He is extremely fearful that he will lose what he has , unless he is extremely cautious . When the Arsenicum patient is Sick he is likely to take it very seriously . This makes him both restless and Conscientious . The restlessness drives him from place to place , he cannot rest till things are in proper place ; FASTIDIOUSNESS . For an Arsenic Cleanliness is next to Godliness ; These individuals have an attention for detail that is unsurpassed . They often choose Meticulous occupations such as Accountancy , Fine Crafts or Carpenter , Mechanic etc ., And he is a Perfectionist at work , particularly with regard to the final appearance of the product whether it is a Book-shelf , a Ledger sheet or a Painting or File of Prescriptions & Investigations while coming for a Consultation . Arsenicum person imposes his meticulous standards upon those around him also . The patient will show you his hands and ask you to look at both of them and ask “ Doctor do you see that the veins on my left hand are more prominent than those on the right hand ? why is this so ” . The Conscientiousness and carefulness will manifest as an almost compulsive need for order .
The Arsenicum concern for health and security can extend to others also . So that these patients can be caring for the health and security of others as well . They write very precisely in very small writing , fitting in much as possible in a very small space and carry it when they come for consultation .

Nervous , agitated and delirious ; Suspecting people who were about the house and stares wildly and suspiciously around him ; The Arsenic person Scrutinise a Business proposal very carefully with their highly discriminating Intellect , searching for hidden dangers . Arsenicum is one of those types that combines a sharp intellect with a round practical sense . Like Nux-vom practical realities are important to the Arsenic person . Arsenicum may be Diligent in his work , but he usually likes to find time for life’s finer pleasures as well , and does not begrudge himself a certain amount of indulgence .

CENSORIOUS , Contemptuous of his fellow men . Naturally most people would find it difficult to be around a Arsenic person because of his censorious nature except confident assertive types like Sulphur and Nux-vomica . 

The ARISTOCRATIC look , he will be careful about his appearance , he will choose the finest clothes to wear , his hair will be immaculate and his home will be filled with delicate pieces of Art ; what-ever is crude is rejected , whether it be a person or a neck-tie .
Arsenic individuals usually make loyal and dependable partners . They are quite capable of being affectionate , though not overly so . One quality Arsenic person demands in any relationship is Respect . Arsenic has too much Self-respect to allow any Spouse to dominate or take advantage . He / She will give to the relationship as long as the giving is mutual .

CHILLY Patient ; Majority Right sided .
Great thirst for cold water ; drinks often but little at a time . Or sometimes burning thirst without special desire to drink .
Burning pains ; the affected part burn like fire ; > by heat , hot drinks , warm milk , hot applications etc ., 
Symptoms generally worse from 1 to 2 pm or 12 to 2 am , < Seaside .
Gastric derangements - after Cold fruits , Ice-cream , Ice-water , Sour Beer ; bad Sausage , Alcoholic drinks , Strong Cheese .
Breathing Asthmatic ; must sit or bend forward ; Springs out of bed at night , especially after 12 o’clock , unable to lie down for fear of suffocation .
Rapid Emaciation ; with cold sweat and great debility ( Tub ., Verat ) of affected parts ; Marasmus .
Discharges : Acrid , Scanty , Thin , Offensive ; Blackish discharges .
Marked periodicity and Weakness .
Alternating complaints .
Tendency to Malignancy .
DESIRES : Fat , Olive oil , Sour things ( lemon ) ; Alcohol .
AVERSION : Farinaceous food , beans & peas , Meat , Sweets .

- Ailments from - anger - anxiety ; with .
- Ailments from - death of loved ones .
- Ailments from - discords between - chief and subordinates .
- Alcoholism - upper limbs ; with complaints of .
- Anguish - driving from place to place - restlessness with .
- Anorexia nervosa .
- Anxiety - evening - bed ; in . - Night - midnight - after .
- Anxiety - night - children ; in . - Alone ; when .
- Anxiety - ascending stairs ; on . - Bed - driving out of bed .
- Anxiety - conscience ; anxiety of . - Fear ; with .
- Anxiety - health ; about - own health ; one’s .
- Anxiety - perspiration - during . - Salvation , about .
- Ascending - agg .
- Avarice .
- Biting - tumbler ; his - drinking ; when .
- Carefulness .
- Carried - desire to be carried - fast .
- Censorious .
- Company - desire for - alone agg , when .
- Conscientious about trifles .
- Cruelty - loves to make people and animals suffer .
- Delirium - violent . 
- Delirium tremens .
- Delusions - insects , sees . - Offended people ; he has .
- Delusions - watched ; she is being .
- Despair - chill , during . - Perspiration , during .
- Despair - recovery , of . - Convalescence , during .
- Despair - religious despair of salvation .
- Doubtful - recovery , of . - Salvation ; of .
- Dullness - heat - during .
- Envy .
- Escape , attempts to - jumps up suddenly from bed - change bed , to .
- Fastidious .
- Fear - alone , of being - lest - he die .
- Fear - cancer ; of . - Contagion . - Control ; losing .
- Fear - death ; of - alone , when . - Robbers ; of .
- Frightened easily .
- Gestures , makes - hands ; involuntary motions of the - picking - bed clothes ; at the - chill during .
- Hypochondriasis .
- Indifference - perspiration , during .
- Insanity - drunkards , in . - Fright , from . - Grief , from .
- Insanity - persecution mania .
- Laughing - never .
- Loathing - life .
- Looking at ; to be - cannot bear to be looked at .
- Malicious .
- Mania - held , wants to be .
- Memory - weakness of memory .
- Offended , easily .
- Programming - everything .
- Remorse .
- Reproaching others .
- Restlessness - anxious - walking ; compelling rapid .
- Restlessness - bed - driving out of . - bed - tossing about in .
- Restlessness - internal . - Perspiration - during .
- Sadness - alone - when . - Masturbation , from .
- Senses - acute .
- Serious ( = earnest ) .
- Starting - evening - sleep ; on going to .
- Stupefaction - walking , when .
- Suicidal disposition - perspiration , during .
- Suspicious .
- Talking - others agg ; talk of .
- Unconsciousness - frequent spells of unconsciousness .
- Unconsciousness - motion , on least .
- Weary of life .
- Weeping - whimpering - sleep , during .
- Wicked disposition .


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