PLUMBUM is a heavy Metal . Many people are sensitive to Lead ; many patients can not sleep in a newly painted room , they come down with LEAD COLIC or the acute affections of Lead , especially in Painters . Like other Metal remedies it has the theme of ATTACK and DEFENSE ; but in such an extreme degree that the person feels that everybody is Conspiring against him . He feels that he is surrounded by Murderers , that every-one is Conspiring to Murder him . This creates in him an intense state of Anxiety and he gets extremely Fearful dreams .

Plumbum has the feeling that he is no Ordinary person - he is a king or ruler of the highest order ; Hence , what he fears is of Assassination rather than simply Murder . “ Delusions - Castles & places , sees ” , “ Delusions - pursued , Soldiers , by ” . It may be the situation of a person who has Absolute Power , like our Ex–Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi , who was assassinated by the Soldiers . He feels attacked and has to defend himself against the same . They can be Violent , Striking etc ., There is also the theme of PERFORMANCE ; they are great Performers , Leaders etc ., Plumbum has “ Timidity - appearing in public ” and “ A/F Anticipation ” .

SLOWNESS in Perceptive and Expressive functions ; The Mind is impaired , Perception is slow . He Memorizes with difficulty . Comprehension is difficult , he can not recall words to express himself . The Operations of the Mind are slow & weak . Memory poor , especially for words , struggle to fight for the right word . When in Conversation with such a Patient , we will wonder what he is thinking about while making up his Mind to answer .

Aside from the slowness of the Mind which is a general feature , the remedy is full of MELANCHOLIA , Sadness feeling as if something terrible would happen ; that she has SINNED AWAY THE DAY OF GRACE , that she has committed the Un-pardonable Sin . Deep Melancholia with Timidity & Restlessness . In the Mental state while he is slow to think , yet he does a great amount of thinking ; he makes an effort to think . His thoughts trouble him all night & prevent sleep ; Insomnia , sleepless from the continual effort to think . The mind will not operate yet the patient is full of Imaginations and Emotions .
APATHY , no enjoyment in ordinary things . ‘ HIGH LIVERS ’ , people who have been Selfish and possessive and have become accustomed to these things . SELF SATISFIED . Fixed ideas . Irritability because of Apathy , with impulse to do harm to themselves . Counteract the Apathy by getting involved in things which are Un-acceptable to the Society ; Ex : Scandalous behavior , Gambling , HYSTERICAL faking of sickness .
Plumbum produces an inclination to Deceive , to Cheat .. She would be in a Hysterical condition for hours , when any-one was looking at her ; When she thought no one was near , she would get-up , walk about & look in the mirror to see how hand-some or Beautiful she was , but when she heard a foot on the steps ( as if somebody is coming ) , she would again lie on the Bed and appears to be Unconscious . FEIGNING SICK ; TO BE ( Bell ., Tarent ., Verat . )

EMOTIONS intense . Changeable ; continually changing from one thing to another , from one group of imaginations to another , from one group of emotions to another . The Mental symptoms , the emotional symptoms and the Head symptoms are greatly exaggerated by any exertion , especially in the open air .


CHILLY patient .

SLOWING DOWN of all the functions . The Activities of the Body , the Functions of the Organs are slowed down in pace . The Nerves do not convey their messages with the usual activity . The Muscles are slow in action , SLUGGISHNESS .

Ailments after STROKE .

Neuralgic conditions . Parkinson .
There is first PARESIS & finally PARALYSIS of parts first and finally of the whole . A.L.S ., M.S ., C.V.A ., ATROPHY of affected parts , of Paralyzed muscles .

Cramps & Pains > by rubbing , massage ( Phos ) .
Weakness of the muscles with trembling , spasms .
Contractions of the muscles .
Blue line on Gums , called - Lead line .

ANESTHESIA of the skin ; if we prick him and a second later he says Oh .. , showing the slowness in feeling . Even the skin is also sluggish .

There is a state of Hyperesthesia in the acute affections , but the Chronic affections are characterized by loss of sensation .

Numbness of Fingers & Toes , Soles & Palms and this extends to the Skin towards the Spine .

The trophic functions are slow in that they do not keep up with the waste & so we see EMACIATION until the patient becomes almost a Skeleton .

The affected & painful part WITHERS . Paralysis of single muscles & these muscles wither . 

The Paralysis begins in the EXTENSORS , So that we have WRIST DROP . Extension is difficult ; this occurs in Piano players , they can not lift their fingers sufficiently rapid to keep up the pace , while flexion is all right .

Plumbum mainly suits to slow & insidious chronic cases with no tendency to recovery .

Progressive Muscular Atrophy ; Progressive Paralysis .

APOPLEXY ; Stupor when Opium is sufficiently similar to remove the cerebral congestion which always surrounds the apoplectic clot Plumbum may follow .

CONSTIPATION is a common and well known feature in Plumbum .

DESIRES : Fried and Salty food .
< Eggs & Fish .


- Delusions - castles & palaces , sees .
- , , - conspiracies - against him , there are .
- Delusions - couch moved ; as if .
- , , - danger , impression of - life , to his .
- , , - dead - corpse - brother and child , corpse of .
- Delusions - dead - corpse - husband , corpse of .
- , , - devil - all persons are devils .
- , , - dolls - people appeared like .
- , , - grotesque .
- Delusions - lost , she is - salvation , for .
- , , - machine ; he is working a .
- , , - murderer , everyone around him is a .
- Delusions - murdered - he is being murdered - conspire to murder him ; others .
- Delusions - music - hearing music - delightful .
- , , - poisoned - he - about to be poisoned , he is .
- , , - place - different places at a time ; of being in .
- Delusions - trembling - everything was trembling - circle ; and was turning in a .
- Dementia - paretic .
- Destructiveness - clothes , of .
- Dullness .
- Dullness - old people , of .
- Ennui , tedium .
- ,, , tedium - silent . 
- Exaggerating - symptoms ; her .
- Fancies - exaltation of .
- Fear - animals , of .
- Fear - murdered , of being .
- Escape , attempts to .
- Feigning - sick , to be .
- Slowness .
- Speech - delirious .
- Speech - extravagant .
- , , - incoherent - epileptic attack , after .
- , , - slow .


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