, , , Overview of Reactor Problems in Japan — Homeopathic Remedies and Nutrients for Radiation Symptoms | HOMEOTODAY


Homeopathic prevention of problems from radiation exposure after the earthquake, tsunami and impending nuclear disaster in Japan.

Reactor type and fuel rods
First, we shall examine the type of reactor involved, so that we shall have a good understanding of the requirements for detoxification. Below is also a time-line of the developments.
Fukushima # 3 uses MOX, a different, Plutonium based fuel to the low-enriched uranium oxide fuel for which most nuclear reactors was designed. MOX fuel tends to run hotter because of lower thermal conductivity, which may be an issue in some reactor designs i.e. the use of MOX does change the operating characteristics of a reactor, and the plant must be designed or adapted slightly to take it. More control rods are needed; who OK’d the use of MOX without modifying all plant systems (especially emergency cooling)? Are any other similar plants using MOX now?

Meltdown – Causes & Results
“There is a possibility of a meltdown,” said Toshihiro Bannai, director of the agency’s international affairs office, in a telephone interview from the agency’s headquarters in Tokyo. “At this point, we have still not confirmed that there is an actual meltdown, but there is a possibility.”

(Meanwhile, the meltdown of one reactor is already a fact).

A meltdown is a catastrophic failure of the reactor core, with a potential for widespread radiation release. Though Bannai said engineers have been unable to get close enough to the core to know what’s going on, he based his conclusion on the fact that they measured radioactive
isotopes in the air Saturday night.

“What we have seen is only the slight indication from a monitoring post of Cesium and Iodine,” he said. Since then, he said, plant officials have injected sea water and Boron into the plant in an effort to cool its nuclear fuel and stop any reactions.

“We have some confidence, to some extent, to make the situation to be stable status,” he said. “We actually have very good confidence that we will resolve this.”
Here we have the spin-doctor, trying to talk down the real risk and protecting the politicians and industry people, while simultaneously trying to give the impression all is under control, while the reality on the ground dictates a different scenario.

Expert: ‘This Is A Serious Situation’
A state of emergency has been declared for this reactor and two other reactors at the same complex, which holds a total of six reactors, he said. Three are in a safe, shut-down state, he said. “The other two still have some cooling systems, but not enough capacity.”
“What we have seen is only the slight indication from a monitoring post of cesium and iodine,” he said. ”The authorities have informed the IAEA that the three reactor units at the Onagawa nuclear power plant are under control.”

With the loss of power at reactor 3, and with its valves and pumps damaged by the tsunami, emergency workers were pumping in seawater mixed with Boron – which disrupts nuclear chain reactions – to cool the rods.

But this creates a build-up of radioactive steam containing hydrogen which must be vented to relieve pressure inside the reactor vessel – risking a blast.
“At the risk of raising further public concern, we cannot rule out the possibility of an explosion,” Mr. Edano said, according to the AP news agency. “If there is an explosion, however, there would be no significant impact on human health.”
More spin, to diminish the fact that one reactor has blown its top, so to speak. Three explosions have occurred in reactor 3, and this is the one now in meltdown.

Japan quake: Fears of Meltdoown

There is a risk of a second explosion at the quake-hit Fukushima power station, Japanese officials have said. That risk has become reality and the third explosion has also occurred. However, chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano said the facility could withstand the impact and the nuclear reactor itself would not be damaged.
Technicians are frantically battling to cool reactor 3 following a blast at the building housing reactor 1 on Saturday. A state of emergency has also been declared at the Onagawa plant to the north of Fukushima.

The first – or lowest – state of emergency was reported by Tohoku Electric Power Company, said the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA. It was declared “as a consequence of radioactivity readings exceeding allowed levels in the area surrounding the plant. Japanese authorities are investigating the source of radiation,” the IAEA said on its website.

Scale of nuclear accidents
* Level 7 – Major release of radioactive material. Example: Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1986

* Level 6 – Significant release of radioactive material. Example: Kyshtym, Russia, 1957

* Level 5 – Limited release of radioactive material. Example: Three Mile Island, US, 1979, and Windscale, UK, 1957

* Level 4 – Minor release of radioactive material with at least one death from radiation. Example: Tokaimura, Japan, 1999

* Level 3 – Exposure in excess of 10 times the statutory annual limit for workers

* Level 2 – Exposure of a member of the public in excess of 10mSv (average annual dose is 1mSv)

* Level 1 – Exposure of a member of public above statutory annual limit. Minor safety problems
(Source: UN nuclear agency, IAEA)

* Struggle to stabilise plant

“The authorities have informed the IAEA that the three reactor units at the Onagawa nuclear power plant are under control.”
Oh how they wish. The spin-doctors have started their “reassurances”.

Possible Remedies
From this information, we can determine which is the best remedy to use for radiation sickness. It will be Plutonium nitricum, being the closest similimum.

Other remedies useful for radiation sickness:
Radium bromatum. Uranium nitricum. Plutonium nitricum and X-ray. Use low potencies, dilute in water and give daily repetition during exposure. Of course those remedies must be prescribed on individuality. It is either/or, not and/and.
Also – Iodine supplements will prevent radiation from binding to your cells because the iodine will bind first. Begin two days ahead of exposure if possible plus vitamin C (someone recommended clay also) . Potassium iodide in material doses as a supplement should also be adequate to protect the thyroid. Further, Selenium is a supplement useful in thyroid protection.
That is useful for those living further away. For those already exposed in Tokyo Bay, the above remedies should be taken first and this recommendation should be supplemented.

Thyroid Reactions
Anyone with Hyper/Hypothyroidism due to radiation needs to redouble their efforts to rapidly cleanse the system. The thyroid gland is key to overall health. Produces T3 & T4 hormones (Iodine atoms). Iodine helps regulate metabolism in the body. Thyroid synthesizes vital T3 (rare) from T4 (plentiful). The body needs 150 mg per day – 80% comes from T4 conversion to T3 in the Liver. The pituitary gland also plays a role in thyroid function by moderating the production of both T3 and T4 (Iodine atoms).

The hypothalamus in turn regulates pituitary function. The thyroid is weakened and neutralized by processed food and white sugars. All sorts of problems can occur. Diabetes 2 is common amongst the youngest and most vulnerable. T3 & T4 regulate body temperature & metabolic rate of every cell in the body (it regulates biochemical reactivity). There are some other factors one needs to consider also, in cases of radiation sickness, which will exacerbate the symptoms and make the condition worse.

Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism): An underactive thyroid releases too little T4 and T3 into the bloodstream, causing the metabolism to slow down too much. The most common cause is Hashimoto’s disease. This is an autoimmune condition in which white blood cells and antibodies attack the thyroid gland. If not treated, the metabolism will continue to slow and will ultimately (in 10 to 15 years) lead to death. 90% of Hypothyroidism occurs in women. On average 1/3 of women over 55 have low thyroid. Symptoms of an underactive thyroid include:

* Lethargy and fatigue
* Feeling cold (even on warm days)
* Unusual weight gain
* Depression
* Reduced concentration (brain fag)
* Puffiness of the face
* Hair loss
* Dry skin
* Constipation
* Goitre
1) Chemicals in environment (PCB, DDT, Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Lubricants, adhesives)
2) Chlorine & Fluorine in tap water (Iodine mimics) – leads to hypothyroid.
3) Polyunsaturated Food Oil (eg. Corn, Soy – Oxidized oils) – which impair T4 to T3 conversion.
4) Sugar & refined Grains – Carbohydrates convert to Glycogen & Triglycerides, suppress hormone levels.
5) Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil – Trans-fats inhibit conversion of T4 to T3, and decrease metabolism, leading to low body temperature, which in turn makes the immune response slower.
6) Mercury (eg. fish, amalgam fillings) – displaces Selenium which is vital for T4 production, T4 to T3
7) Non Organic Green & Black Tea – contains high levels of fluoride.
Nutrients & Supplements Available
a) Iodine (Himalayan Salt – contains Iodine in proportional trace amounts with 70 + other trace minerals, raw kelp, seaweed – which one can combine with meals several times per week). Make sure the source of this seaweed is clean. Seaweed tablets (from the sea, not from a lake) have natural iodine too.
b) Essential fatty acids (some fish oil, cod liver oil, flax seed/oil, Borage/Black currant oil).
c) Selenium – This is an anti-oxidant, which helps convert T4 to T3.
d) Zinc – Stimulates the pituitary which signals the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones.
e) Vitamin D3 -Steroid hormone necessary for thyroid production.
f) Vitamin E – Tocopherol
g) L-tyrosine – Amino acid precursor to T4 & Co Q-10 (heart muscle supplier) – Spectrum of amino acids, which act synergistically.
h) Antioxidants (Selenium, Alpha lipoic acid & grape seed extract)
i) Progesterone – which helps the thyroid gland.
Several of the best ways to chelate accumulated heavy metals out of body:
1) Activated charcoal, 2) Chlorella, 3) Zeolite rock powder, 4) Kale, 5) Cilantro.
Symptoms of hyperthyroid from radiation. (But not limited to this cause)
Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) : An overactive thyroid releases too much T4 and T3 into the bloodstream, causing the metabolism to speed up too much. The most common cause is Graves’ disease. This is an autoimmune condition in which antibodies behave like TSH and stimulate the thyroid uncontrollably. Complications of untreated hyperthyroidism include liver damage, cancer and heart failure, which can lead to death. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid include:
* Rapid pulse
* Tremor (shaking) of the hands
* Sweating and sensitivity to heat
* Weight loss (despite an increased appetite)
* Nervousness, agitation and anxiety
* Fatigue
* Diarrhea
* Bulging eyes
* Goitre
Remedies Available
Potassium Iodate as a supplement is wonderful in case of long life radiation potentials. For the short term issues, DU requires sodium bicarbonate. Other radioactive forms that are rapidly harsh do require potassium iodide. What form to use? Potassium iodide or iodate? The latter is used by the US army in combat conditions – mainly to deal with exposure to US made depleted uranium.
Many suppliers are already out of stock, of iodine supplements. Mike Adams still has supplies and one other source is still available. Here are the websites to order.
http://store.naturalnews.com/index that is where you can still get the iodine
Dr. Sircus also recommends this source: ttp://www.magneticclay.com/store/nascent-iodine-supplement-1.aspx
Maybe these sources also still have stock.
www.Vitacost.com or www.VitaminLife.com

For more details visit hpathy

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  1. You may also be interested in how to treat radioactively contaminated drinking water:
    Maybe someone wants to help with Japanese and other languages?

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