, , , In 'Chronic Diseases : Para 139' Hahnemann | HOMEOTODAY

In 'Chronic Diseases : Para 139' Hahnemann says: 

"Sucklings never receive medicine; the mother or wet-nurse receives the remedy instead, and through their milk it acts on the child very quickly, mildly and beneficially".

I think Hahnemann has turned his whole principles upside down here.

1. He is asking to give 'similimum of the infant' to mother or wet nurse, for whom that drug is not be symptomatically indicated. As such, if 'similimum of infant' is given to nurse, it will not act upon her vital force. If the infant gets that medicine through breast milk of nurse, it means our medicine contains some active factors that could be transferred through breast milk, without acting on her vital force. 

2. Homeopaths believe potentized medicines are said to act through 'nerves' on the vital force. There is no 'nerve cells' present in 'milk'. How can then it act through milk?

3. If homeopathic drugs are actually conveyed from mothers body to infants body through the milk, that only means our drugs contain some 'material' factors that can be conveyed through milk, not through 'nerves' as it is believed. More over, can 'vital force' be transferred through breast milk that do not contain living cells?

4. If homeopathic drugs are transferred from mother to child through milk, will not the blood and other body fluids of mother also contain those drugs? Could homeopathic drugs be administered through blood transfusions? If a person under homeopathic treatment donates blood, will not the recipient also get drugged by our medicines?

Administration of homeopathic drugs by transmission through milk raises a lot of questions regarding active principles of potentized drugs, their mode of conveyance in the body and the mechanism of its action that could not be answered by 'vital force' theory.

What if we administer the medicines to a wet nurse, and collect her breast milk in a bottle, will it still preserve its medicinal properties? Can we give that bottled milk to the infant as medicine? Then, in what form medicine exist in that bottled milk? Should this bottled Milk to be considered an organism, with 'vital force' present in it?

Some homeopaths believe that “our dynamic homeopathic medicine when work on vital force that is produce some required chemical changes in body, and infant receive medicinal effect by mother's milk because infant vital energy is strong that is receive this vital effect frequently”.

But remember, we are not selecting a similimum for mother or wet nurse, according to their ‘totality of symptoms’. We are selecting similimum for infant. How can an un-indicated homeopathic medicine "work on vital force" and "produce some required chemical changes in body" of mother or wet nurse? Even if it acts up on their organism, it is said that an un-indicated medicine will have only negative influence. Would anybody say this 'adverse chemical changes' produced by these 'negative influence' are conveyed by the milk to the infant and curing his disease?

If you want to get a 'positive' influence, you will have to determine the similimum for wet nurse by collecting totality of her symptoms, not for infant.

Let us consider the argument "dynamic homeopathic medicine when work on vital force that is produce some required chemical changes in body". If so, the infant is getting the milk subjected to "chemical changes" by the action of drug upon the "vital force of mother". It is this "chemically changed milk" that is consumed by the infant. How this "chemically changed" milk would act homeopathically on the organism of 'infant'? If anybody argue that the "vital force" of mother is acting on infant through milk, how would you explain this phenomenon if the milk is collected in bottles and given to infant? Would you say "the changed vital force" of mother is collected in a bottle and transferred to infant?

I think we can explain this phenomenon more rationally and without any confusion. The 'active principles' of potentized drugs selected as similimum for the infant is conveyed through blood of mother to the milk, and thereby into the organism of the infant. The active principles act in the infant the same way as a similimum given directly. Is not this explanation more rational and simple?

This phenomenon clearly proves that active principles of potentized drugs are conveyed through body fluids, not through the 'nerves' as commonly believed. I wanted only to make that point clear. If it were 'nerves', it will never be conveyed to infants through mother's breast milk.

by Chandran Nambiar

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  1. the author of this article lacks energy awareness by actual experience, as well as the dynamics of it; and is having perception not beyond physical existence. Anatomy doesnt end with nerve cells and homeopathy works beyond it, with the subtler system than the nerve cells. Hahnemann's perception went beyond the physical anatomy perception, to actually experience the vital force inside the body and its dynamics.

