Making homeopathic prescriptions for fevers is a real challenge. Patients need immediate lowering of temperature. They are not willing to wait. Most homeopaths use mother tinctures and combinations in a desperate attempt to show' result. Many homeopaths advice their patients to go for allopathy or self medication with paracetamol.
Prescribing for fevers and bringing down temperature with potentized drugs is very simple if we know how to do it.
Case taking is the most the decisive step in prescribing for fevers. Never try to use 'specifics' or mother tinctures. Collecting symptoms and finding a similimum is most important.
CONCOMITANTS are most important symptoms in finding similimum for fevers. Look for concomitants symptoms in following regions:
Abdomen(Pains, flatulence, sensation)
Rectum- (Diarrhoea-Constipation, type and color of stools)
Back(pains, sensations)
Chest(oppression, palpitation, pains)
Throat(pain, swelling, hoarseness, peculiar sensations etc)
Tongue(color, sensations, taste, other peculiarities)
Respiratory(cough, asthmatic, expectoration etc)
Nose(coryza, stuffiness, discharges, sensations etc)
Head(Pains, peculiar sensations)
Stomach(nausea, appetite, thirst, vomiting, pains, desires-aversions)
Ears(pains, discharges, tinnitus, sensations, hearing)
Extremities(pains, numbness, cramps, coldness, peculiar sensations)
Eyes(lachrymation, discolorations, sensations, swelling, visual)
Face(swelling, discolorations)
Alternating symptoms, if any
Perspiration(increased, decreased, localized, offensive, other peculiarities)
Skin(eruptions, colors, special sensations, coldness)
Sleep(positions, dreams)
Urinary(frequency, stranguary, burning, color, sediments, odor)
Mind(mental abnormalities, fears, loquacity, anger, irritability, disposition)
Physical generals(paroxysms, dropsy, trembling, weakness- chill- chilliness, vertigo)
Modalities: Time modalities, Conditional modalities
Locations: Sides, peculiar body regions
Causations: Dietary irregularities, Exposures etc.
Collect maximum available symptoms under above FOUR categories. Even if you get minimum one prominent symptom each from all these four categories, a similimum could be worked out. Repertorize to find a similimum. It will bring down temperature if used repeatedly in 30c potency.
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