, , , Successful treatment of verruca vulgaris with Thuja occidentalis in a renal allograft recipient And more news | HOMEOTODAY


Spectroscopic profiles of ultrahigh and additional agitated homeopathic dilutions

Posted:Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:07:43 +0000
Spectroscopic profiles of ultrahigh and additional agitated homeopathic dilutions Editorial by Dr. Saurav Arora Editor-in-chief -nternational Journal of High Dilution Research editor@highdilution.org Once upon a time it was presumed that homeopathic...

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Successful treatment of verruca vulgaris with Thuja occidentalis in a renal allograft recipient
Posted:Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:00:42 +0000
Human papillomavirus-driven verruca vulgaris infection is common in solid organ transplant recipients and increases the risk for squamous cell carcinoma. The available treatment modalities have limited response. We report a renal allograft recipient...

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New international study reveals 76% of modern medicine doctors recommended homeopathic medicine for children

Posted:Tue, 05 Jul 2016 11:24:40 +0000
99% Doctors Have Recommended Natural Remedies for Children 76% of doctors have also recommended homeopathic medicine for a child Doctors advocated complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) where they associated a lower risk of side effects...

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