
 Raising Voices – Silencing Voices – Alan V. Schmukler
Homeopath in the Hot Seat 

 Interview with Dr. Mary Grace Warner – Alan V. Schmukler
New Papers 
 The Tetractys of Simillimum – Mirjana Zivanov
 Tips and Secrets Feb 2015 – Alan V. Schmukler
 Rochester’s Homeopathic Hospitals – Robert J. Dickson
 No Cancer Risk from Power Lines – Louis Slesin
 The Travelling Homoeopaths Collective – Marcus Christo
From The Clinic 
 A Case of Helodrillus Caliginosus – Catherine Sharfstein
 Allergy Case of 32 Year-Old Woman – Sara Kabariti
 A Case of Vertigo – Michelle George
 A Case of Chronic Migraine – Pankil Dhruv
 A Case of Wheezing with Acute Cough – Latha Venkatesan
 Breathless from Fright – Judith Acosta
 A Case of Anxiety and Insomnia – Ann Brabant
Book Reviews 
 Rational Homeopathy by Hans Weitbrecht – Siegfried Letzel
Homeopathy Research 
 Three Recent Studies on Homeopathy – Alan V. Schmukler
Veterinary Homeopathy 
 Crossword February 2015 – Alan Schmukler
Cartoons! :) 
 Immunity for Vaccine Manufacturers – Alan V. Schmukler
 What is more dangerous? – Alan V. Schmukler
 Australia Hides Vaccine Injury Data – Alan V. Schmukler
Solve the Case Quiz 

 QUIZ – What Remedy Is Frasier Crane? – Elaine Lewis and Shana Lewis
 Revisiting: Creepy-Crawlies! – Elaine Lewis and Shana Lewis
 February 2015 Ask the Plant Doctor – Mark Moodie, Radko Tichavsky and Pawan Singhania
. We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at mail@hpathy.com

The editors, the publisher and the owner of Hpathy.com, do not necessarily agree with the information provided in various articles and sections of the e-journal Homeopathy 4 Everyone. The authors and the contributors are solely responsible for their views and comments. Please use your discretion in using any medical/health information provided in this journal. For treatment of any chronic or serious illness, you should consult your Homeopath or General Physician in person. Subject to the jurisdiction of Jaipur, India.

Articles Invited 
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