Clinical tips :
DrJitesh Sharma

Jaundice with intermittent pulse - digitalis
Jaundice along with Prostate enlargement - digitalis
She feels a lack of room for foetus in uterus , inability of uterus to expand threatenibg abortion - Plumbum met
Aurum met - osteoarthritis, "gold affects profoundly the entire organism" excercising a solvent action on the tissues,produce ulceration
Boils - tarent cub,myristica
(Generally we use bell,merc sol,hep sul,silicea)
Large varicose ulcer- cardus mar
All sorts of tumour,exostosis- HEKLA LAVA
Leucorrhoea - COCCULS ( generally we give puls,calc carb & kerosote)
Meniere's disease- petroleum
Nausea from Smell of cooking food- colchicum
Loquacity during chills(fever)-podophyllum
Loquacity during heat- lachesis,teucrium
Loquacity during sweat(sweet smelling)-caladium
Eating amel - petroleum
(Petroleum cures more than caes of anacardium,chel,graph,sulph)
Gastric ulcer - petroleum
Pain in groin,like sprain during pregnancy,when walking has to bend- Ammon mur
Foetal movements slow down,almost imperceptible- SEPIA
( in one case 8th month preganant lady found suddenly that the foetus was not moving she rushed to hospital doctor check there doctor could not hear the foetal heart then she visited homeopath he also noticed no foetal sound then he prescribed - SEPIA 1m 2 doses within 3 hours baby start moving )
Caullophylum has same but
he found sepia more effective
Teeth 2nd molar pain -AESCULUS
Piles with backache- aesculus
Legs give away- cocculus ind
Piles after delivery- aesculus and kalicarb
Back and legs give away in men- Aesculus
Weakness in legs - sacrolactic acid
Thyrotoxicosis or goitre with palpitation,hunger,emaciation- argentum nitricum
Vertigo with nouses in ear and deafness - petroleum and natr salicylicum
Pain in left scapula- chenopodium
Ulcers in mouth- condurango
(Generally nat mur ,merc sol ,borax etc is prescribed)
Orchitis,rehumatism in rib joints in stormy weather- rhododendron
Ganglion ,cysts under skin ( baryta carb) - Ruta
Fibroids,bleeding profusely with sore pain ,clots- Thlapsi bursa p
Menopausal bleeding,bright red,agg amel by tight bandaging (opp of lach),excessive lochia - Trillium p
Menopausal bleeding of nervous types with headache (agg left side) - Xanthoxyllum

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