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CCRH announces Research program for students

NEW DELHI. Dr. R. K. Manchanda, Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), had introduced Research program for students. The undergraduate homoeopathic students shall participate in the Short Term Studentship in Homoeopathy Program and the council has introduced to promote interest and aptitude for research among homoeopathic undergraduates. This may serve as an incentive for them to take up research as a career in the future. The Institution must provide the student with all facilities for carrying out research.
CCRH provided online Registrartion and m,any students applied >The deadline was 5th August 2014 and Results will be announced in October 2014. The selected students are expected to complete the project between October 2014 and March 2015 and submit the report before the last date of submission i.e. 20th April 2015. The student will be awarded stipend and certificate only if report is approved.
The value of the studentship will be Rs. 10,000/- only and is meant to be a stipend for the student. Cost of research must be borne by Medical College where research is carried out.

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