Zinc ( zn ) ., being a METAL it has the theme of attack & defense and with an accompanying FEELING OF HAVING COMMITTED A CRIME . They have a tremendous and constant anxiety as if they would be arrested , as if they were pursued by someone ; this is somewhat similar to Cuprum .

They are Restless , Over-sensitive and so Hyperactive , Over-active mind and ideas abundant ; Discontented & complaining , Loquacious ; torments everyone with his complaints ( Ac-nit ) . IRRITABILITY FROM NOISE ( Ferr ) , from talking of others , Crumpling of paper etc ., Fits of anger with weakness afterwards . Mental weakness more in the morning ; Dullness , confusion , slowness in thinking , mistakes in speaking & writing ; REPEATS THE QUESTIONS BEFORE ANSWERING ( Aur ) ; Sadness ameliorated in the evening ; Feels calm when thinking of Suicide ; Superstitious ( Arg-n ., Con ., Rhus-t ., Stram ., ) .

CHILDREN are Restless , Feeble with Weak Memory , Discontented ( Calc-p ., Sanic ., Tub . ) ; Shrieking like a Cow ( Cupr ) , DELIRIUM with Violence , restrained and calmed with great difficulty & desire to escape .
The FEAR of being attacked in Zincum is almost constant and so there is a constant excitement of the nervous system . There is a state of ready alertness which is manifest by the constant twitching , jerking or by the constant restlessness of the Legs . He feels all the while that somebody is after him and this causes the constant restlessness . He is always FIDGETY ; and there is a Fear & feeling as if someone may come from behind anytime ( Merc ) ; this keeps them Alert , Stiff & Tease all the time .

In Cuprum this perceived threat of attack is not continuous , it is intermittent , periodical or in paroxysms ; and sometimes due to the exciting cause . But in Zincum every stimulus excites the Nervous system .

Here , the repressed Emotions can cause Somnambulism and Suppressed anger cause trembling & weakness . After a period of Excitability of the Brain & Tremendous restlessness , the Zincum patient can go to the other extreme , which is tremendous DULLNESS , FAGGED-OUT FEELING such that he cannot even understand a question ; So he repeats questions before answering . He is muddled & Suffers a Brain fatigue ; later he passes on into a state of total Collapse & Coma .

The Zincum patient can be Egoistic but generally comes down in the face of Superior attack ; And like the Cuprum , has the desire to become a high-ranked person , like an Officer or a Policeman . Talking or Listening is distressing ; much talking of other people , even of those of whom he is fond of , affects his nerves and makes him MOROSE .
Tendency to be Docile , but when aroused irascible . NERVOUS PROSTRATION ; waits a moment looking blank or stares , then the face lights up and he answers .

NOTE : Zincum is not Suitable in those who are naturally feeble minded ( Bar-c ) , when the child is in a state bordering upon Idiocy .


Suitable to Broken-down Constitutions ; Feeble Constitutions ; Enfeeblement . Over-stimulation of the NERVOUS SYSTEM with Weakness of it in later stages . 
Trembling , quivering , twitching of muscles with tearing pain along the coarse of the nerves , tingling excited on the least provocation ; Over-sensitiveness in one part and lack of feeling in another . Over worked & excitable persons ( Nux-v ) . All the functions are slow , eruptions appear slowly .
AILMENTS FROM Suppressed discharges & Eruptions .
< 11.00 am , Wine , Vaccination ( Sil ., Thuj ., ) , Cold , 
falling to sleep , especially twitching & jerking of - 
- limbs ; Hunger when . 
> Evening ., discharges , Menses ( Lach ) . 

There is a tendency to Convulsions , drawing in the Extremities , Suppression of Urine , ROLLING of the Head from one side to the other , and from Stupor it goes into complete Unconsciousness ; Inability to throw the eruptions to the surface ( Measles ) .
Constipation associated with Spinal symptoms , Aching in Dorso lumbar & Sacral regions ; better when walking & worse from rising from a seat .
Limbs PARALYZED ; paresis and finally paralysis of one or both sides ; jerking , trembling & prostration . Shocks & jerking during sleep .
Full of NEURALGIC PAINS ; tearing pains in all parts of the body when exposure to a draft .
Dysmenorrhea ; but here is a striking symptom , no matter what the violent symptoms are - pain in the Ovaries , in the Uterus , hysterical excitement ; as soon as the menstrual flow appear there is relief . Violent pains in the Ovaries > BY THE FLOW ( opp . Cimic - more the flow , the pain will be more ) .
The great nervousness of Zinc is manifested in the feet . FIDGTY FEET . Constant motion of the leg .

AVERSION : Fish , Sweets .


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