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Mumps (epidemic parotitis) is a viral disease of the human species, caused by the mumps virus.
Word “mumps” originally meant “to mumble”, and came to be applied to the disease because of the side effects it causes.
Painful swelling of the salivary glands (classically the parotid gland) is the most typical presentation. Painful testicular swelling (orchitis) and rash may also occur. The symptoms are generally not severe in children. In teenage males and men, complications such as infertility or subfertility are more common.


 The affected parotid glands and the surrounding tissue become hyperaemic and aedematous; some of the acinar cells disintegarate with round cell infiltration but latter, on these heal completely without any scaring.

Signs and symptoms :-

Disease incubation lasts between 17 and 21 days, and it is followed by a moderate fever and ear pain for one or two days. The child is contagious one week before symptoms and about 8 days after their occurrence. Inflammation of parotid glands first appear on one side, then both sides and is manifested by swelling covering the back of the jaw grooves. It causes pain when chewing and when parotids are pressed. Sometimes angina and affected neighboring nodes are associated. Headaches are common. Evolution is often benign and the disease regresses by itself in about ten days. Sometimes, mumps can cause testicle swelling, but that happens rarely in boys before puberty. Lack of appetite and vomiting is also very common in mumps.

Orchitis, referring to painful inflammation of the testicles. Males past puberty who develop mumps have a 30 percent risk of orchitis.

Day 1. Facial pain when chewing or pain that the child can not locate exactly, high fever.

Day 2. Swelling and tenderness of one side of the face (possibly on both sides), pain whenopening mouth,
high fever, sore throat which increases with swallowing, dry mouth

Day 3: pronounced swelling of the face, usually bilateral.

Days 4th and 6th: gradual reduction of swelling and other signs and symptoms

13th day: the child is no longer contagious.

Other symptoms of mumps can include dry mouth, sore face and/or ears and occasionally in more serious cases, loss of voice. In addition, up to 20% of persons infected with the mumps virus do not show symptoms, so it is possible to be infected and spread the virus without knowing it.

Fever and headache are prodromal symptoms of mumps, together with malaise and anorexia.

Prodrome :-

Fever and headache can occur already as prodromal symptoms of mumps, together with malaise and anorexia.

Cause & its transmission:-

It is caused by the mumps virus. Mumps is a contagious disease that is spread from person to person through contact with respiratory secretions such as saliva from an infected person. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets aerosolize and can enter the eyes, nose, or mouth of another person. Mumps can also be spread by sharing food and drinks. The virus can also survive on surfaces and then be spread after contact in a similar manner.


A physical examination confirms the presence of the swollen glands. Usually the disease is diagnosed on clinical grounds and no confirmatory laboratory testing is needed. If there is uncertainty about the diagnosis, a test of saliva, or blood may be carried out; a newer diagnostic confirmation, using real-time nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, has also been developed. An estimated 20%-30% of cases are asymptomatic. As with any inflammation of the salivary glands, serum amylase is often elevated.

Prognosis :-

Death is very unusual. The disease is self-limiting, and general outcome is good, even if other organs are involved. Mumps viral infections in adult males carries a 25% risk that the testes may become infected which in rare cases leads to sterility. After the illness, life-long immunity to mumps generally occurs.

Complications for Mumps:-

Known complications of mumps include:
• Infection of other organ systems
• Sterility in men (this is quite rare, and mostly occurs in older men)
• Mild forms of meningitis (rare, 40% of cases occur without parotid swelling)
• Encephalitis (very rare, rarely fatal)
• Profound (91 dB or more) but rare sensorineural hearing loss, uni- or bilateral
• Pancreatitis manifesting as pain abdomen and vomiting
• Oophoritis (inflammation of ovaries) but fertility is rarely affected.
After the illness, life-long immunity to mumps generally occurs; reinfection is possible but tends to be mild and atypical.

Homeopathy Treatment for Mumps :-

The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a good remedy.


 This is unquestionably the most important remedy, corresponding to vascular engorgement, fever and nervous irritability so common in this disease. The glands are swollen, hot and sensitive to pressure, worse on the right side. The pains are flying and lancinating and extend to the ear. It is useful when the swelling suddenly subsides, and is followed by throbbing headache and delirium. These children have a noticeably flushed face and throbbing headache. They have swollen glands that are hot to touch. They are drowsy but have difficulty sleeping.


 This medicine is helpful in children approaching puberty who get the mumps and experience swollen breasts or testicles. They are thirstless, despite having a fever, and they are sensitive to warm rooms.
The tongue is thickly coated, the mouth is dry and the pain is worse evenings and after lying down. For metastasis to the ovaries Pulsatilla may be the remedy. A person who needs this remedy usually is emotional, wanting lots of sympathy and comforting.

Rhus toxicodendron: 

Rhus corresponds to dark red swellings, with tendency to erysipelatous inflammation and typhoid conditions. These children have swollen glands which are worse on the left side. Their symptoms are aggravated by cold, and they may have cold sores on their lips. There is much aching in the limbs, the patient is restless and the symptoms are worse at night. It is our best remedy in secondary parotitis.


 Some homeopaths assert that this medicine is the best remedy for the mumps, although there are few known distinguishing symptoms that it offers, except excessive salivation and perspiration. This is also a good remedy for complications that some children get from the mumps. Pilocarpine muriate 3x is what Burnett terms his "big shot in mumps." It seems to affect especially the parotid gland.


 This is one of our best remedies in mumps, if hard, painful swelling of the salivary glands below the chin, as well as in the cheeks, along with a large amount of salivation. There is slight fever and it is useful in the later stages. The special symptoms are tenderness, offensive breath, perspiration during sleep, and threatening suppuration. Right-sided swelling of throat glands typify children who will benefit from this medicine. They also have profuse and offensive salivation and perspiration.


When children with mumps have stony hard throat glands, especially on the right side, or if the breasts or other glands are becoming painful and swollen, this medicine should be considered. The throat pains may extend to the ear, and they may have an irresistable desire to bite their teeth together. One of their characteristic symptoms is pain from sticking oz out their tongue. They tend to be worse in cold or wet weather.


Useful at the beginning stages of mumps, these children have a sudden onset of fever, restlessness, anxiety, and great thirst. Stabbing or tingling pain can be felt in the jaw or face. The person feels worse from warmth and better from fresh air.

Apis mellifica:

When this remedy is indicated, the face looks puffy, pink, and together, and cool compresses are soothing. Even with fever, thirst is usually low. The person is irritable, disliking interference.

Arsenic Album: 

 Strong anxiety and restlessness despite a feeling of exhaustion suggest a need for this remedy. The head may feel hot and the rest of the body chilly. This remedy is sometimes helpful in preventing complication involving the ovaries and testies.


 This remedy is indicated when the person feels worse from any motion. Hard, tender swelling is felt in the cheek, and fever may be accompanied by headache. The person’s mouth feels dry, with thirst for long cold drinks. It may be helpful if the swelling abruptly disappears, but the person feels worse in general.

Calcarea Carbonica: 

 This remedy often helps during the mumps if the person’s head perspires during sleep, the hands and feet cold and damp, and lymph nodes are also swollen. A person who needs this remedy often feels anxious and is easily fatigued. Children may feel hot, but adults tend to be chilly.

Carbo Vegetabilis:

 When the remedy is indicated, fever may develop slowly, and the person may feel chilled and faint. The stomach may also be upset, with wind and belching. The person may want to be near a fan or window, craving fresh or moving air. This remedy may often help in testicles, ovaries, or breast become involved in mumps, when the other symptoms fit.


 Parotidinum is also known as Ourlianum. Parotidinum is the mumps nosode. Has been used as a prophylactic against infection by mumps. In this instance it is generally given in the 6th or 30th two or three times a day to those exposed to infection. In the disease itself it may be given every four hours, either by itself or alternated with other indicated remedies. The well-known complications which sometimes occur with mumps, cerebral inflammation and orchitis suggest its possible use in these conditions.


 If the disease be transmitted to brain. Unconscious delirium, red face, wild, staring look, throbbing carotids. Twitching and jerking of limbs, with great nervous excitability, Giddiness, with stuperfaction.


 Corresponds to left-sided mumps, with purplish swellings and aggravation after sleep.

Conium: is indicated by excessive hardness of the swelling

Biochemic Remedies:-

Ferrum phos:- Initiatory stage with the febrile symptoms.

Kali mur:- Swelling of the parotid gland with pain on swallowing. This remedy alone will cure most cases unless there is fever.

Natrum Mur :- With much saliva or swelling of the tetiles occurring as a metstassis with mumps.


You should therefore include foods like cantaloupes and mangoes to compensate for vitamin C in a mumps healing diet. The fluid diet should be followed with a soft diet that is easy to chew and swallow.

Swelling and throat irritation are mumps symptoms that take some time to recede. Thus, a soft diet should be maintained for a few days after a fluid diet. A soft diet includes foods like rice porridge and runny oatmeal. Such foods are easy to swallow and easy to digest. Avoid meat in a mumps healing diet as this is very difficult to digest and swallow. You should also avoid processed foods in a diet for treating mumps as such foods are not only difficult to digest, but are filled with additives that may be potentially harmful at time when your immunity is compromised.

In addition, oily and fatty foods tend to aggravate mumps symptoms. Avoid all oily foods while caring for mumps symptoms. Certain spices are very beneficial in a mumps treatment diet. Spices like black pepper help alleviate symptoms of mumps.
Ginger and garlic are also very effective in the treatment of mumps. Include generous quantities of garlic and ginger in a mumps healing diet.
The food given to the patient must not be acidic; hence all citrus juices and curds are out.All kind of oily and pungent food must be strictly avoided. They could make the fever last longer.
Eat more antioxidant-rich foods (such as green, leafy vegetables and peppers) and fruits (such as blueberries, tomatoes, and cherries).

Dr.Kunwar Shatrughan
(Dr.Kunwar’s Multispeciality Homoeopathic Centre)
Email: dr.kunwarshatrughan@hotmail.com

Link : www.hahnemannkiaawaz.com

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  1. Mumps is indeed should immediately be treated so as not to berkelnajutan and getting worse

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