10 Habits of Successful Homoeopaths |
| As Homoeopathy believes in the philosophy of individualization but the principle of " Similia Similibus Curentur" remains same for every individual case and here applies the same; as a group, these physicians have much practicing habits in common; the success principle remains the same for the top Homoeopaths around the world. ; I have the good fortune to meet some of the nation's top homoeopathic doctors. Today through news letter; I will to bring out points which will help you in clinical management; which is one of the most important thing now a days. |
Individually and collectively, they are highly intelligent men and women who excel as healthcare providers. Although the marketing areas they serve are diverse, and their clinical specialties vary, they share a commitment to excellence in leadership, personal and professional growth, and to success in business. |
Best Practice Leadership Habits |
There is always something special about these individuals as leaders. They understand that marketing drives business, and that an exceptional business leads to richly rewarding success. What's more, it takes leaders (who just happen to be busy doctors) to develop a profitable and people-based service business. |
Over time, I have compiled a list of some of the leadership habits, tips and ideas that marketing-savvy physicians have in common. Consider it a starting point, and by all means feel free to share these ideas with you all. Here are some points which will help you to excel as clinicians. |
1. | Patients First. A successful homoeopath know, understand and respect the consumer ie. Patient. The basic funda is the satisfaction of the patient when he meets the doctor. As you have heard a old saying in homoeopathy that "a well taken case is half cured"; in the same way a well satisfied patient bring a lots of business to the physician. Success follows when leadership shapes an organization to meet and exceed the expectations of the customer. |
2. | Envision success daily. Take time each day (however long you need) to mentally picture your definition of success. Focus your daily tasks—large and small—on achieving these goals. According to the theory of management a physician should daily revise his case he took that day before closing the clinic; so that if anything which is left to be taken in account should be incorporated. |
3. | Share your vision with your colleagues. Communicate your values, plans and ideas with your colleagues. Collective strength propels positive change and motivated growth. Start to write for any of the journal or newsletter so that a well taken case by you or some observation or research done by you should help the whole fraternity. It will fetch you lots of fame; which inturn increase your business. |
4. | Manage your staff effectively. Business success — especially in a service business — is driven by how people interact, communicate and work toward common goals with the consumer/patient. Successful team leadership requires exceptional people skills. You should start working on creating a friendly environment with your staff in clinic or hospital so that in turn they work together towards a common goal of serving mankind along with generating more business. |
5. | Neither success nor failure in practice is final. Growing a medical practice requires energy to sustain business achievements, guard against the competition, and to push past business setbacks. It requires a lot of patience to become a successful practioner as it will take time to establish your esteem presence in the locality you started with; so need a lot of motivation to surpass all bad times. |
6. | Better Service. Patient experience has become a critical test of success in healthcare delivery. Leaders create a culture of excellent clinical care and best possible outcomes in a patient-centered and service-excellence environment. |
7. | Become a Role model. Colleagues, staff members and even organizational cultures are shaped and motivated by clear role models they can emulate. Your success depends on the success of others. Recognize their contributions and help them grow. |
8. | Work Hard On Curing Patient & Advertise It. The familiarity of a "comfort zone" is often a barrier to personal, professional and financial growth. Leaders take well-considered risks to push the boundaries and reach new territory. That's where new rewards are found. As being a Homoeopath you have two responsibilities first to treat patient in a painless way and advertise your results in the nearby locality through newspapers, journals etc. |
9. | Innovation Generates Profit. Increasing competition and near-constant change in the healthcare delivery system has become the new norm. And, just as you need to stay current with advances in medical science for clinical excellence, the same holds true for survival in the business of healthcare. Leaders find ways to differentiate. They look ahead, identify trends, adapt plans and innovate regularly. |
10. | Fallow the Chart of Skill: This chart completes the summary to what is to be taken in account from the first day of clinical practice. |
Practice Homoeopathy Better | Skills |
Invest in the Beginning | Create rapport quickly; Ellicit patent's concerns; Plan the visit with the patient |
Elicit the Patient's Perspective | Ask for patient's Elicit specific request; Explore the impact on the patient's life |
Demonstrate Empathy | Be open to patient's emotions; Make at least one empathic statement; Convey empathy non-verbally; Be aware of your own reactions |
Invest in the End | Deliver diagnostic information; Provide education; Involve patient in making decisions; Complete the visit. |
About the Author |
Dr. Meraj Husain (BHMS, DNHE, PGCSD) is the editor of a Peer Reviewed Journal The Homoeopathic Heritage, he was formerly associated as an faculty with Institute of Cost Accountant of India on stress management. |
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