A case of Mantoux Test Positive with recurrent Cervical Nodes Disease came to Dr. Shahida Baig, my wife, a senior homeopath of Mumbai, on 19th April 2011. He was around 26 years old then and was under allopathic treatment as a TB patient for around 5 years but without any improvement, finally was declared as the case of Multi Drug Resistant Bug. In her notes, Dr. Shahida mentioned: this young boy with a broken down constitution keeps on taking antibiotics and anti TB drugs and his doctors also kept on testing him and removing puss from the nodes and testing but not finding any TB germ.
In his history she revealed that first his left cervical axilla was involved and for which was operated and tested but his histopathology reports finds nothing in that. In his history she also mentioned that he was very jovial by nature but now is sad and depressed. He has one elder sister and mother, is with twelve siblings but staying with his mother and one sister who is elder to him, along with her spouse. His brother-in-law looks after the family since his elder brothers cheated the family and sold their ancestor's properties for their own gains and left the family. Mother was died of TB, father had cancer, was alcoholic. There was history of dog-bite for which he had taken all required vaccines. History also revealed that some years back, on his teen age he had some kind of perianal abscess and for which was operated also.
On physical examination she found coated tongue and some scars on his left axilla. As per mentals she mentioned, by nature though jovial but now had become depressed and irritable because had lost the hope that five years treatment if had not cured me then? “What! whether I am a patient of AIDS!?”
On general and personal she noted that the patient is hot, perspires a lot and which are very-very offensive. He also becomes easily nervous, in public becomes trembling, though in person shows the sign of egotism. Her first prescription was Thuja 200, single dose. Followed by Silicea 30, two doses on 19th April 2011, follow up was with Cina and Nosode-I. I don't know on what criteria her 2nd prescription was made though she mentioned further possible remedies could be Lachesis and Sulphur or Phosphorus?
I saw this patient on 14th July 2011, suggested, continued Nosode I (Maul Halib) after a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200. Now I don't remember on what ground I selected Calcarea, perhaps his hands were soft and was having strong sense for the fear of his poverty, was anxious for his recovery. However, from here onwards the story was very long, though this patient was of Dr. Shahida and she was also consulting me, her follow-up prescriptions include Sulphur, Psorinum and Lachesis. Also Phosphorus. Undoubtedly her every prescription had helped to some extent or the other but didn't stop reoccurrence of nodular lesions and which was the matter of concern for Dr. Shahida. So in between she was also consulting me asking for his remedy and followed whatever I suggested, though which helped but didn't check the reoccurrences of nodules, which were in form of tumours.
At last, finally when I saw this boy who was also gone for all kinds of AIDS test but was remained negative to most of them. Here comes the role of 'Virionum' the nosode from an AIDS patient but which finally cured him.
His Mantox Test which was repeatedly was strongly positive became negative. But though was HIV negative but his immunity marker cells were in the category of AIDS and was not positive to HIV. Therefore I suggested Virionum (Nosode II, Maul Dam) for him as intercurrent. My Virionum which is a nosode from HIV, prepared from a lady who was an AIDS patient but was treated with homeopathy and recouped her health. At the time of collection of sample from her blood was found, was having few lacs of HIV but with no symptoms of AIDS. He responded well and thereafter had started showing the positive results. See in the pictures, slowly and slowly how he became well and well.
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