1 ) . DISAGREEABLE ( Apriy aur jagadaalu ; Binnabiprayamu kaligivundu ( Irritability ) ( Syc ) :- Not to one’s liking ; unpleasant or offensive . A person is subjected to displeasure on various scores frequently by his family members or others as a result of which he becomes disagreeable & feels irritated again and again over small matters also . A sense of dislike where the aversion can be extent of quarrelsome . Having a irritable , quarrelsome and bad-tempered manner .

Drugs for thought : ( 434 ) ACON ., ALUM ., ANT-C ., APIS ., ARS ., AUR ., BELL ., BOV ., BRY ., CALC ., CALC-S ., CARB-V., CARBN-S., CAUST ., CHAM ., GRAPH ., HEP ., IOD ., KALI-C ., KALI-I ., KALI-S ., LIL-T ., LYC ., MAG-C ., NAT-C ., NAT-M ., NIT-AC., NUX-V., PETR ., PH-AC ., PHOS ., PLAT ., PULS ., RAN-B ., RHUS-T ., SEP ., SIL ., STAPH ., SULPH-AC ., SULPH ., THUJ ., VERAT-V ., ZINC ., 

2 ) . DISAPPOINTED ( Maayus hona , Niraash hona ya hatash hona ; Niraasha mariyu nispruha ) ( Despair ) ( Syp ) :- Sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hopes or expectations . Defeated in expectation or hope .

Drugs for thought : ( 145 ) AMBR ., ARS ., AUR ., CALC ., COFF ., HELL ., IGN ., LYC ., NAT-M ., PSOR ., SULPH ., VERAT ., Acon ., Alum ., Anac ., Ant-t ., Arg-n ., Ars-I ., Cann-I ., Carb-v ., Caust ., Chin ., Cocc ., Con ., Crot-t ., Graph ., Kali-p., Lach ., Lil-t., Merc ., Mez ., Nat-ar ., Nat-c ., Nit-ac ., Op ., Puls ., Rhus-t ., Sep ., Staph ., Stram ., 

3 ) . DISCERNMENT ; LACK OF ( = judgment ) ( Vivek-heen ; Aviveki ) ( Syco-syphilitic ) :- Lacking the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment . The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another is lacking .

Drugs for thought : alum ., con ., hep .,

4 ) . DISCOMFORT ( Asuvidha , ashanthi ; Asaukaryamu ) ( Psoro-sycotic ) :- Mental or bodily distress and lack of physical comfort . To make uncomfortable ; it is a sort of uneasiness which may create some sort of restlessness .

Drugs for thought : ( 44 ) Camph ., Grat ., Sulph ., agar ., ars ., aur ., bry ., calad ., cina ., clem ., colch ., ferr ., hell ., kali-b i., kali-c ., lach ., lyc ., mag-c., mosch ., nat-c., op ., par ., petr ., rheum ., sabad ., sec ., thuj ., valer ., zinc .,

- bathing , after : phys .,
- chill , during : ars .,
- colors - black - agg : sep .,
- ,, - dark - agg : nux-v ., sep .,
- ,, - shiny - agg : nux-v .,
- eating , after : bry ., clem ., olnd ., ph-ac ., zinc .,
- ,, - dinner , after : crot-t ., iod ., zinc ., 
- ,, - supper , after : petr ., seneg ., sil ., 
- heat , during : ran-b ., 
- pickled fish , after : calad .,
- walking , after : arg-m ., caust .,

5 ) . DISCONCERTED ( Vyakul ; Bhanga-parachuta ) ( Syp ) :- To upset the self-possession of ; to frustrate by throwing into disorder or confusion ; disarrange . Inquietude of mind confused , upset , frustrated due to grievances or thwarted aspiration or desires . Defeated , deprived of harmony . Accepts the defeat & ceases further efforts .

Drugs for thought : ( 2 ) brom ., ign .,

6 ) . DISCONSOLATE :- ( See Disappointed ) .

7 ) . DISCONTENTED ( Asanthust ; Asamthrupthi ) ( Syc ) :- Lack of satisfaction in the mind of a person . Restlessly unhappy , wanting something more or different . A person is not getting satisfactory response from his juniors or during particular circumstances & he feels dissatisfied which may result in certain ailments .

Drugs for thought : ( 186 ) ANAC., CALC-P., HEP., MERC ., NAT-M., SULPH ., Am-m ., Ant-c ., Ars ., Aur ., Bism ., Borx ., Bry ., Cham ., Chel ., Chin ., Cina ., Colch ., Con ., Cupr ., Kali-c ., Lyc ., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Nux-v ., Olnd ., Pall ., Plat ., Puls ., Rhus-t ., Sep ., Sil ., Stann ., Staph ., Thuj ., 

- always : HEP ., MERC ., lach ., nit-ac .,
- causeless : clem .,
- children : carc .,
- coition , after : Calc ., sel .,
- everything , with : ( 86 ) HEP ., MERC ., NAT-M., Cina ., Coloc., 
Pall ., Plat ., Puls ., Sep ., Sulph .,
- health , about : phos .,
- himself , with : ( 37 ) Agn ., Ars ., Hep ., Nit-ac ., Puls ., Sulph ., 
aloe ., aur ., bry ., caust ., cob ., cocc ., con ., kali-c ., lyc ., merc ., 
nux-v ., ph-ac ., staph ., tarent .,
- himself , with - good for nothing ; sensation of being : arn ., 
colch ., sep ., zinc ., 
- others ; with : hep ., ruta ., 
- possession ; with her own : lil-t .,
- reserved displeasure : Staph ., aur ., ign ., ip ., nat-m .,
- stool - before : borx .,
- surroundings , with : Cham ., ang ., chel ., meny ., merc ., mez ., 
par ., plat ., 
- weeping - amel : Nit-ac ., 
- wrong ; everything another does is : Cham .,

8 ) . DISCOURAGED ( Himmath tootna ; Adhairya parachu ) ( Syco-syphilitic ) :- To deprive of confidence , hope or spirit ; made less hopeful or enthusiastic . A feeling of being disheartened for any boldness , zeal or some action which a person intends to undertakes .

Drugs for thought : ( 138 ) CARB-V ., LACH ., VERAT ., Acon ., Anac., Apis ., Ars ., Calc ., Chin ., Chinin-s ., Cocc ., Dros ., Ign ., Lyc ., Nux-v ., Petr ., Psor ., Puls ., Rhus-t ., Sep ., Sil ., Stann ., Sulph ., alum ., ant-c ., arg-met ., arn ., bar-c ., bry ., calad ., caust ., coff ., con ., cupr ., graph ., hell ., kali-c ., merc ., nat-ar ., nat-m ., op ., ph-ac ., phos ., pic-ac ., stram ., tub ., 

- air , in open : Ph-ac .,
- anxiety , with : Acon ., Cham., Graph ., M-arct ., bar-c ., canth ., 
puls .,
- business , aversion to : Calc ., puls ., 
- children , in : lyc .,
- coition , after : sep ., staph ., 
- future , about : Dros ., merc ., 
- irresolution , with : puls ., 
- moaning , with : cham ., nux-v ., verat .,
- morose , and : op ., 
- pain , from : colch ., hep ., lach ., nux-v .,
- praying , with : puls ., 
- quiet , and : lyc ., 
- reproaches , himself : M-arct ., 
- waking , on : Gels ., Puls ., 
- walking , while : am-c ., ph-ac ., 
- weeping , with : Carb-v ., Lyc ., bar-c ., chinin-s ., laur ., nux-v .,

9 ) . DISCRIMINATION , LACK OF ( Anther yani bedh-bhav ka vivek-heen ; Chalaakithanamu lekapovuta ) ( Syco-syphilitic ) :- Lack of the ability or power to see or make fine distinctions , discernment . Lack of prejudice ; and judging the people and the differentiating with quality or partiality is lacking .

Drugs for thought : ALUM ., con ., hep ., 

10 ) . DISGUST ( Aruchi , Ghunaahpurvak ; Asahyamu kaliginchuta ) ( Syc ) :- A strong disliking , a strong aversion . This is a state of disliking for anything where one feels that in him no further room is left for even a little liking further for the thing in question . Rather it has crossed the limits of acceptance where he is nauseating & is on the verge of vomiting . To excite nausea or loathing in ; sicken . To offend the taste or moral sense of .

Drugs for thought : ( 40 ) ARS ., LAC-C ., PULS ., SULPH ., SYPH ., Croc., Hep ., Kali-c., Laur ., Merc ., Stram ., arn ., aur ., caps ., carc ., caust ., coloc ., con ., dulc ., ip ., kali-I ., mag-c ., mez ., nux-v ., petr ., phos ., plb ., sil ., spong ., tarent ., thuj ., 

- body ; of one’s own : lac-c ., 
- body ; of one’s own - odor ; of the : pyrog .,
- body ; ,, ,, - odor ; of the - nausea ; to the point 
of : SULPH .,
- colors - gray - aversion to : ign ., 
- everything , with : ( 22 ) SYPH., Laur ., Led ., Merc., Puls., Sulph ., 
Thuj., arn., aur., caust., con ., ip., kali-i., mag-m., nux-v., petr ., phos., 
- himself - live with himself ; has no courage to : Bar-c., Merc., 
- laughing of others ; at : Ambr .,

11 ) . DISHONEST ( Beyimaan , Dhokebaaj ; Vanchana gala , Mosa-puritha maina ) ( Syc ) :- Not honest ; Behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way . Intended to mislead or cheat . Disposed to lie , cheat , defraud or deceive . Unfair .

Drugs for thought : ( 10 )ars., bry., calc., lach., lyc., op., puls., sil., sulph.,

12 ) . DISOBEDIENCE ( Avagnakari ; Avidheyatha ) ( Syc ) :- Refusal or neglect or failure to obey disregard of a rule or prohibition ; Lack of obedience ; The trait of being unwilling to obey .

Drugs for thought : ( 32 ) CAUST ., MERC ., TARENT ., Am-c ., Arg-n ., Chin ., Dig ., Lyc ., Syph ., Viol-t ., acon ., arn ., bufo ., calc ., canth ., carc ., nit-ac ., nux-v ., petr ., phos ., spig ., staph ., stram ., sulph ., 

- children ; in : Chin .,

13 ) . DISPLEASED : ( See discontented ) .

14 ) . DISSATISFIED : ( See discontented ) .

15 ) . DISTRACTION ( Dhyan ka kinchav , Vikarshan ; Paradhyanamu Kaligi vunduta ) ( Syp ) :- ( See Absentminded / Concentration difficult ) A mental state in which a person is agitated from violent , usually conflicting emotions . A person gets disappointed in his work as he was deceived by somebody . He gets agitated & excited to such an extent that his mental state reaches to the level of unable to concentrate his mind .

Drugs for thought : ANAC ., BAR-C., CARB-V., CARBN-S., CAUST ., CIC ., GLON ., GRAPH ., HELL ., LACH ., LYC ., NAT-AR ., NUX-M ., NUX-V ., PH-AC ., PHOS ., SEP ., SIL ., 

16 ) . DISTRESS ( Vippathijanak sthithi , Dhukh ; Dhukkamu , Baadha ) ( Syco-syphilitic ) :- ( Anguish ) To cause anxiety , worry or suffering . Extreme pain or suffering . Anguish of body or mind .

Drugs for thought : ACON ., ARS ., BELL ., CALC ., CALC-AR ., CANN-I ., CAUST ., DIG ., GRAPH ., HEP ., LYC ., PLAT ., 

17 ) . DISTRUSTFUL ( Avishvasaniya ; Nammakamu leni , Sandhehamu gala )( Syc ) :- ( Suspicious ) A mental state when a person is so much suspicious that he doubts everyone . He is not having faith, even in the person very close to him & so he can not depend and he can not give any responsibility to anyone in his behalf . If he has to deposit money in a bank he will go himself as he has no faith in anyone . 

Drugs for thought : ACON ., ANAC ., ARS.,BAR-C., BRY.,KALI-AR., LACH., LYC., PULS., RHUS-T., SEC., STRAM., SULPH., Arn ., Aur ., Bar-m ., Bar-s ., Bell ., Borx ., Cimic ., Cocc ., Cupr ., Dulc ., Hyos ., Kali-p., Merc ., Nat-ar., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Op., Phos., Sep., Staph., 

18 ) . DISTURBED , AVERSE TO BEING ( Syc ) :- A mental condition where a person is very much averse to the least disturbance in his normal routine as it hurts him mentally or emotionally . He may be thinking , resting etc., when he wanted to be silent .

Drugs for thought : ( 14 ) BRY ., Cocc ., Nux-v ., Sep .,


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