Tingling, Coldness and Numbness - Aconite
Fullness in varius parts - Aesculus
Nervous hypersensitiveness, numbness of single parts - Ambra Grisea
Heaviness in all organs - Ammonium Carb
Sensation of plug and band - Anacordium Orientale
Excessive irritability and fretfulness - Antim crud
Drownsiness, debility, sweat, chills and contractions - Antim tart
Oedema and constricted sensations - Api smel
Trembling in affected parts - Arg nit
Sore, lame, bruised feeling - Arnica
Irritable weakness, restlessness and great exhaustion - Ars alb
Great muscular sorenes - Baptisia
No anxiety (or) fear - Bell
Rapid change of symptoms and radiating pains - Berb Vulgaris
Stitching, tearing pains - Bryonia
Coldness of single parts. - Caladium
Raw, burning pains - Cantharis
Pain unendurable with numbers. - Chamomilla
Pain in shocks. -Cina
Sensation as if clamped with iron bands. - Colocynth
Weakness of body and mind. - Conium
Great deal of bone pain. - Eupatorium perfoliatum
Oversensitiveness & weakness. - Ferrum met
Dizziness, dullness, drowsiness and trembling, musclar weakness -
Sensation of pulsation throughout the body. - Glonoine
Sensation as if wind were blowingg in some part & great sensitiveness
to all impressions. - Hep Sulph
Tremulous weakness & twitching of tendons. - Hyosyamus
Great debility. - Iodum
Pains migrate quickly. - Kali bich
Pains from within out and stinging character. - Kali carb
Pain shoot downwards with numbness. - Kalmia latifolia
Erratic pains, alternating sides. - Lac canium
Sensation of tension in various parts. - Lachesis
Neuralgia - Mag phos
Trembling all over - Medorohinum
Tremors everywhere - Mercurius
Pains of various kinds with chilliness & sensitiveness to cold air. -
Coldness, great weariness and weakness. - Nat mur
Pain as from splinters, sticking pains. - Nitric acid
Extreme dryness of mucous membranes, drowsiness. - Nuxmoschata
Painless, heaviness. - Opium
Pain in spots and periodical remissioss. - Oxalic acid
Suddenness of symptoms & neurasthenia. - Phos
Neurasthenia - Picric acid
Numbers and colness. - Platina
Constrictive sensation in the internal parts. - Plumbum met
Thirstless, Peevish and chilly. - Pulsatilla
Tearing asunder pains. - Rhustox
Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness & despair - Ruta
Pain from sacrum to pubis. - Sabina
Debility, anxiety & emaciation though appetite & thirst may be excessive. - Secale
Great debility. - Selenium
Very sensitive to touch, parts feel chilly. - Spigelia
Pain from below up, extend down to back, chills easily - Sepia
Exhaustion and heaviness of the body after slightest exertion. - Spongia
Very sensitive. - Staphysagria
Burning, sinking feeling at stomath at 11 p.m. - Sulpur
Vomiting, purging and crampss in extremities with cold perspiration. - Verb. alb
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