According to existing methods of homeopathic case analysis, PARTICULAR symptoms come at the lowest strata of symptom hierarchy, and are considered to be of least importance in selecting similimum. Some classical methods even advice to ignore particular symptoms. They say, a perfect homeopathic similimum could be determined on the basis of ‘physical generals’ and ‘mentals’. According to them, prescriptions made on the basis of ‘particular’ symptoms would be superficial, and such prescriptions would provide only palliations, not real cure.

But every homeopathic clinician would testify hundreds of excellent cures made by them using particular symptoms, especially those called ‘uncommon peculiar’. Such experiences obviously show that ‘classical’ approach to evaluation of ‘particular symptoms need some logical modifications.

According to the new method of classifying symptoms proposed by Dialectical Homeopathy, all ‘particular symptoms’ cannot be considered of similar relevance. There are many particular symptoms that can play a decisive role in selecting a similimum.

Particular symptoms are those normally prefixed by ‘MY’ by the patient while narrating symptoms himself. He would say ‘my skin is itching’, my head is aching’, ‘my feet feel numb’, ‘a wart on my fingers’, ‘red eruptions on my palms’ and the like, referring his complaints to some organs and regions of the body.


Subjective Particulars:

Patients would prefix ‘MY’ when describing symptoms belonging to ‘Subjective Particulars’. Most of the subjective ‘sensations’ referred to any particular region or organ of the body belong to the class of ‘subjective particulars’. They can be only ‘felt’ or ‘experienced’ by the patient. Subjective particulars should be clearly differentiated from ‘Subjective Generals’.

Symptoms such as ‘my skin is itching’, my head is aching’, ‘my feet feel numb’, ‘anxiety in stomach’ etc are ‘Subjective Particulars’. Most of the ‘particular modalities’ such as ‘burning stomach ameliorated by cold drinks’, ‘headache relieved by vomiting’ etc are also ‘Subjective Particulars’.

Objective Particulars:

People observing the patient would normally prefix ‘HIS’ while describing symptoms belonging to ‘Objective Particulars’. ‘ObjectiveParticulars’ are symptoms referred to any particular region or organ of the body which can be observed by the patient, physician or others using their sense organs, with or without the aid of accessory means. Symptoms such as ‘a wart on my fingers’, ‘red eruptions on my palms’ etc are ‘Objective Particulars’.

Many Objective Particular symptoms would be presented in association with a ‘Subjective Particular’ also. Where as ‘red eruptions on feet’ is a n ‘objective particular’, ‘itching eruptions on feet relieved by warmth’ is the associated ‘Subjective Particular’.

When an ‘Objective Particular’ is presented with its associated ‘Subjective Particular’, it becomes a COMPLETE symptom, which is useful for selecting a similimum. Whenever the patient presents an Objective Particular symptom, the physician should inevitably look out for its associated ‘Subjective Particular’ also. An ‘objective particular’ without associated ‘subjective particular’ is of no use in selecting a similimum. If we get an ‘objective particular’ with associated ‘subjective’ particular, it becomes a ‘complete’ symptom, and should be graded in top rank among ‘particulars’. It is classified as ‘Subjective Particular’, not ‘Objective Particular’.

‘Subjective Particular’s may be classified into two groups:

Subjective Mental Particulars
Subjective Physical Particulars

Objective Particulars are also classified into two groups:

Objective Mental Particulars
Objective Physical Particulars

While grading ‘PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS’ for repertorization, they should be arranged in following order:

Subjective Mental Particular
Subjective Physical Particular
Objective Mental Particular
Objective Physical Particular.

Among these, ‘Complete’ symptoms, which are ‘particulars’ having both ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ aspects should be listed top, as they can play decisive role in selection of similimum

Working out a case using only PARTICULARS in this logical and systematic way, we can make find PARTICULAR SIMILIMUM, which would make excellent prescriptions especially in acute complaints.

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