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Is it an unbelievable truth that one can survive and remained active even with 25% of his liver by having lost the rest 75% to any disease like a Hepatitis B. Yes, indeed which may be possible by using own will power. Will power is also a therapy. Recent example of which is of CRPF commandant Chetan Cheeta who survived after receiving 9 bullets over his body from terrorists in Kashmir. One more example is of Tukaram Omble who grabbed the terrorist Ajmal Kasab under the shower of bullets in 2008 Mumbai attack. Yet one more example is of Bollywood's Millennium Superstar Amitabh Bachchan who is surviving and fit with his one fourth of functioning liver. Mr. Bachchan made a startling revelation about surviving of him with only 25% of his liver. As per his own statement, he has lost rest 75% of his liver to the deathly Hepatitis B virus. He was speaking at the launch of media campaign for Hepatitis B and C.

Means, if one uses one's own will power he or she can defeat any disease even death. It also proves that a patient with patience can fight its disease without any medicine. Will power is a defense of the cell if being applied by the self itself. While, vital force of a person which takes origin from the vital organs can only control the system of a diseased person, while will power may be controlling not only the self but also the vital force. Therefore what is an immunity and important defense mechanism of the person against not only a disease but all other odds, which is the will itself, it is because mind acts on the feedback mechanism.

In fact, as for as Homeopathy is concern if around 34-35 years ago in 1983 when he got grievously injured in his intestine while shooting for the film Coolie. He was having pains with long sufferings where he needed even multiple blood transfusions for non stopping hemorrhages in his intestines because of deep vein thrombosis due to blunt abdominal injury. In such conditions, the homeopathic remedy Bellis Perennis is like a Ram Baan. If he would have been received this remedy that time he would have been having his liver 100%. Bellis Perennis acts upon the muscular fibres of the blood vessels also venous congestion and clot due to mechanical causes particularly when inflected upon the abdomen. Such kind of trauma may also be causing injuries to the nerves with intense soreness and intolerable pains. The damaging of the liver most of the time have been seen that this is the multiple blood transfusion is ultimately the cause of Hepatitis B. Even after getting such kind of infection from the virus Hepatitis B one can come out from the terror and damaging effects of this if given nosode from the Hepatitis B itself.

However, according to my speculation his constitutional remedy may be Phosphorus. He is Phosphorus like, a humble person, down to earth type with lots of emotions and love for the humanity and mankind, industrious and self confident with creative qualities as well. With Phosphorus he may become more energetic and healthy. By the way, my best wishes and prayers for his will power, his health and mission for the public who love him so much.

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