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Why You Choose Homoeopathy—Here are 50 Reasons.
Posted:Sat, 20 Feb 2016 04:24:54 +0000
Why You Choose Homoeopathy—Here are 50 interesting Reasons Dr. Niloy Kumar Adhikary No such crude drug is used in homoeopathy, it use medicine (prepared through some special process & tested on human being). Very minimum medicine is needed. One...

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Method for arriving at Similimum
Posted:Sat, 20 Feb 2016 04:15:48 +0000
Dr.Sushil Dubey MD (Hom) Case taking or rather I would say as CASE RECEIVING (since we are at the receivers end), is a skill. The art of interrogation provides superior quality foundation for homoeopathic prescription to be made. A good case taking...

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