, , , Allopathy doctors to move court against govt plan to allow Ayush doctors to adopt modern medicine | HOMEOTODAY


Posted: 18 Mar 2015 07:07 AM PDT
State and District Consultant vacancies by Government of Uttarakhand State Consultant, Quality Assurance Qualification :  MBBS/BDS/Ayush/Nursing graduates with Masters in Public Health (MPH), Community Medicine (MD),MBA-(Health Management) with 3...

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Posted: 18 Mar 2015 07:01 AM PDT
KOZHIKODE: The Institution of Homoeopaths, Kerala, and homoeopathy doctors have strongly objected to the study conducted by the Australia government’s National Health and Medical Research Council, which claims that the medicines in homoeopathy are...

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Posted: 18 Mar 2015 06:57 AM PDT
The Union government’s plan to promote traditional medical systems and open vistas of future prospects for Ayush doctors by allowing them to use modern medical technology is unlikely to succeed as various associations of allopathy doctors are likely...

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Posted: 18 Mar 2015 06:55 AM PDT
Translational Health Science and Technology Institute is an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India Candidate profile MBBS,BDS,BHMS,BAMS or similar degree in field of health science or a Master’s degree in...

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