Toothache Homeopathy Remedy
An acute or dull pain in the mouth, teeth and gums; sometimes radiating to the face, the orbit of the eye and the opposite jaw.
Dental caries or root abscess formations. A dull ache, at times throbbing, with a swelling of the face and jaw.
Pain, swelling and tenderness.
Aconitum napellus; Antimonium crudum; Arnica montana; Belladonna atropa; Chamomilla; Coffea cruda; Kreosotum; Magnesium phosphoricum; Mercurius solubilis; Plantago major (locally and internally);Silicea; Staphysagria.
Aconitum napellus: Aggravated by cold wind, but better with cold water.
Antimonium crudum: Gum margins detached from teeth, bleed easily. Teeth feel hollow and aching.
Arnica montana: Pain after dental fillings or trauma.
Belladonna atropa: Stabbing or throbbing pain in the gums; often similar to migraine.
Chamomilla: A severe toothache, worse at night and in a warm room. Irritability is marked, and may be the precipitating factor in triggering the pain.
Coffea cruda: Relief with cold water or ice in the mouth is characteristic.
Kreosotum: Rapid decay of teeth, with spongy and bleeding gums; offensive odor.
Magnesium phosphoricum: This is the homoeopathic Aspirin.
Mercurius solubilis: Stabbing pains radiating to the ears, worse at night. Profuse salivation.
Plantago major: Used both locally and on the tongue. Teeth are sensitive to touch and feel too long.
Silicea: Pain aggravated by either hot or cold food, or cold wind. Often worse at night. Commonly associated with a root abscess or a gingivitis.
Staphysagria: Severe pain. The teeth are especially sensitive so that the least touch, or cold air triggers a toothache, especially at night. Often worse after food, pains typically drawing and tearing in character. The cheek is often swollen and red.
An acute or dull pain in the mouth, teeth and gums; sometimes radiating to the face, the orbit of the eye and the opposite jaw.
Dental caries or root abscess formations. A dull ache, at times throbbing, with a swelling of the face and jaw.
Pain, swelling and tenderness.
Aconitum napellus; Antimonium crudum; Arnica montana; Belladonna atropa; Chamomilla; Coffea cruda; Kreosotum; Magnesium phosphoricum; Mercurius solubilis; Plantago major (locally and internally);Silicea; Staphysagria.
Aconitum napellus: Aggravated by cold wind, but better with cold water.
Antimonium crudum: Gum margins detached from teeth, bleed easily. Teeth feel hollow and aching.
Arnica montana: Pain after dental fillings or trauma.
Belladonna atropa: Stabbing or throbbing pain in the gums; often similar to migraine.
Chamomilla: A severe toothache, worse at night and in a warm room. Irritability is marked, and may be the precipitating factor in triggering the pain.
Coffea cruda: Relief with cold water or ice in the mouth is characteristic.
Kreosotum: Rapid decay of teeth, with spongy and bleeding gums; offensive odor.
Magnesium phosphoricum: This is the homoeopathic Aspirin.
Mercurius solubilis: Stabbing pains radiating to the ears, worse at night. Profuse salivation.
Plantago major: Used both locally and on the tongue. Teeth are sensitive to touch and feel too long.
Silicea: Pain aggravated by either hot or cold food, or cold wind. Often worse at night. Commonly associated with a root abscess or a gingivitis.
Staphysagria: Severe pain. The teeth are especially sensitive so that the least touch, or cold air triggers a toothache, especially at night. Often worse after food, pains typically drawing and tearing in character. The cheek is often swollen and red.