, , , Obsessive compulsive disorder and homeopathy by Lucy Elvira Dl Torre | HOMEOTODAY


Obsessive compulsive disorder and homeopathy:
 by Lucy Elvira Dl Torre

People with anxiety disorders feel extremely frightened and insecure. From time to time, most people feel anxious about something for a short time, but people with anxiety disorders feel this way most of the time. Their fears and worries make it difficult to carry out daily activities.

Sometimes all we check things twice, for example, we check the kitchen before leaving the house to make sure it is turned off. But people with OCD feel the need to check things over and over again or have certain thoughts or perform routines and rituals over and over again. The thoughts and rituals of OCD cause distress and interfere with daily life.

These repeated, upsetting thoughts of OCD are called obsessions. To try to control these obsessions, people with OCD repeat rituals or behaviors called compulsions. Those with OCD can not control these thoughts and rituals.

Examples of obsessions are fear of germs, of being hurt or hurting others, and disturbing religious or sexual thoughts. Examples of compulsions are counting or cleaning things, washing the body or parts of it repeatedly, or arrange things in a particular way, when these actions are not necessary, and check everything over and over again.

People with OCD have these thoughts and the rituals performed at least an hour on most days and often longer. The reason that OCD interferes with their lives is that they can not stop these thoughts or rituals, so that, for example, sometimes miss school, work, or meeting with friends.

The symptoms of this disorder:

• have repeated thoughts or images about many different things as fear of germs, dirt, or intruders, violence, hurt loved ones sexual acts, conflicts with religious beliefs or personal hygiene too.
• perform the same rituals over and over again such as washing hands, opening and closing doors, counting, keeping unneeded items, or repeat the same steps over and over again.
• have unwanted thoughts and behaviors can not control.
• does not derive pleasure from such behaviors or rituals, but feel a slight relief from the anxiety that these thoughts cause.
• spend at least an hour a day with these thoughts or rituals, which cause distress and interfere with their daily lives.
For many people, OCD starts during childhood or adolescence. Most people are diagnosed around age 19. Symptoms of OCD may come and go and get better or worse at different times.


The following drugs are considered, according to the categories of Synthesis Repertory 9.1, as the most important in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Include concepts such as ritualistic behavior, obsessiveness, Tourette syndrome and persistent thoughts (fixed ideas).

Agaricum: Promotion of profanity and scatological, grotesque expression sentences alternating with states of religious exaltation. These patients have boundless energy (as Verat.)

Anacardium: Characterized by extreme alternating polarity or character, especially moral or ethical. In some cases the split may lead to mental level duality of his personality or mental fragmentation (amnesia, severe identity). The obsessive nature is associated with bipolar disorder.

Anhalonium: When the key symptom there is depersonalization and notable trend toward the mystical aspects of life, even to the point of obsession.

Argentum nit: Ritualist in the extreme. Inordinate desire to check everything over and over again. Pulse runaway and fixed ideas or cyclic shifting. Along with Thuja and Syphillinum is the classic trio of obsessive. It is the remedy most obsessive of the Materia Medica.

Arsenicum: These are very routine but fall ritualism, unlike Kalis not tend to be ritualistic. His obsessive behaviors are a result of fear and sense of vulnerability. Arsenic is one of the more compulsive and obsessive drug in the Materia Medica. It is characterized by a pathological and excessive inclination for order, as a compensatory manner to address the feeling of inner decay and entropy.

Aurum metallicum: Indicated when compulsive disorders have a major substrate extreme destruction and disability. Suicidal thoughts or may be of great violence, which are often compulsive and morbid.

Carcinosin: Subject very bright and intelligent but too distracted, may have ritualistic or repetitive behaviors without notice. Traits of genius. Tourette.

Causticum: In the wake of disappointments, especially ethical or moral. With great disturbance of the patient, angry with himself and especially in cases where compulsive tendencies have a social, moral or just. These people have an intolerance to any form of compulsive injustice, staff or others, or imposition.

Hyoscyamus: With compulsive manifestations in the form of gestures, Carphology and lack of empathy. Serious damage to Broca's and Wernicke's areas, especially the right hemisphere, which will cause limitations in their social and affective relationships. Uncontrollable urge to mention circumstances of the sexual order, tend to be obscene and foul language to express.

Ignatia: Compulsive Reactions of affectivity and emotional loss.

Iodine Metallicum: Reactions associated OCD crisis uncontrollable anger and excessive violence. His obsession with food and eating. Very obsessed with schedules and activities, especially as it relates to your eating habits.

Kali carb: It is perhaps the most rigid and dogmatic of Materia Medica. These people, like all kalis, highly structured and contained.

Kali sulph, Kali bich As. is characterized by great difficulty in removing and hold physiologically and mentally. People very attached to material possessions, greedy and routine (like Puls., But with more structure, content and without spontaneity any).

Lachesis: stateful great suspicion bordering on paranoia, obsessive compulsive reactions associated with alleged physical and emotional vulnerability.

Lyssin: When associated with phobias of all kinds and paranoia. One of the few drugs that are indicated in claustrophobia and agoraphobia simultaneously. Intolerance to any change in their habits and routines, with panic attacks and shortness of breath.

Mancinella: With obsessive fears evil and especially the devil and all that. Superstitious. Phobias and panic attacks, fears about the supernatural.

Medorrhinum: compulsive disorders associated, as in the case of Carcinosin to serious imbalances between the mental spheres, especially among the intellectual and affective sphere. People obsessive in the pursuit of pleasure and new experiences.

Natrum Muriaticum: With fear of thieves and large pent-up anger. Afraid to fail in their duty, which leads to review and repeat over and over again what to do. Obsessive compulsive states mainly related to emotional situations. People who compulsively attracted to individuals unreachable or impossible situations.

Natrum sulph: As a result of head trauma or brain tumors.

Nux vomica: desgate In states of severe physical, emotional or sentimental. Compulsive obsession with achieving their goals or obtaining money, pleasure or material goods. Compulsive States related to or lead to addiction.

Opium: Altered states of consciousness in which the patient, so murmuring expressed profanity, blasphemy or say bizarre things.

Platina: Toc with disdain and systematic exclusion of others and sexual obsession.

Silicea: Suitable for people too thoughtful, logical, which over time have difficulty in discharge, failed or be spontaneous.

Staphysagria: With great guilt, disability and a history of humiliation or severe abuse. It is the chief remedy in obsessive compulsive states for violations or sexual abuse (Carc)

STRYCHNINUM: Patients who face the challenge of competition or become insolent, aggressive or even violent. Uncontrollable tendency to pun.

Syphillinum: When the compulsion is focused, as in Ars., In situations related to the order, cleanliness and above all the fear of contagion and grooming. Fear of contagion.

Thuja: Feelings of vulnerability and inner ugliness. Obsessive and persistent thoughts, ideas, where the patient to the outside their own drives contained and suppressed. Thuja feels to be under a power over man, believed to haunt him or, above all, feel bad, guilty or inadequate.

Tuberculinum: The status of this remedy compulsive or occurs is associated with extreme dissatisfaction and the obsessive search for permanent satisfactions. And late in disease states, has a tendency to perform the same acts unconsciously and over again.

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