“Those out want to get in while those in want to get out” The most important thing in life is having a good marriage and family life; or...
AYUSH doctors to go on hunger strike
BANGALORE: Demanding regularisation of services and better pay, nearly 721 doctors working under the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Natur...
Two New Studies Find Anti-Homeopathy Review Wrong
(NaturalNews) In August of 2005, the prestigious British medical journal the Lancet published a review comparing clinical trials of homeop...
Ayush to get more funds
BANGALORE: Next financial year may see more funds for Ayush. Minister of state for health and family welfare G Gandhiselvan announced this ...
66th world homeopathy meet in India
CHENNAI: The 66th International Homoeopathy Congress will be held in Delhi in the first week of December. Organised by LMHI (Liga Medicorum ...
‘Cancer Miasm’ And The Role Of Cancer Nosodes In The Treatment Of Chronic Diseases
‘Cancer Miasm’ And The Role Of Cancer Nosodes In The Treatment Of Chronic Diseases by Chandran Nambiar i Shall we consider a ‘cancer mi...
International Homeopathy Events
FALL WINTER – on FALL DATE INSTRUCTOR TOPIC LOCATION CONTACT 11/5 - 11/12 Melissa Assilem bio International Symposium "The Homeopat...
Mind Technologies by Hompath nominated for eIndia 2011
Homoeopathy, using technology of remote support, in this project we have treated nearly 14300 patients. With the vision of reaching the poor...
State Govts told to shut down 14 ‘errant’ homoeopathy colleges
In a delayed move, the Health Ministry has directed the State Governments to shut down 14 homoeopathy colleges in their respective areas fo...
similima update 25 nov 2011
Case taking & Repertory Model Question Papers Posted: 23 Nov 2011 03:16 AM PST Case taking & Repertory Model Question Papers for B...
Tripura awarded for tele-homoeopathy
Agartala, Nov 23 (IANS): Tripura has become the only NE State to receive an international award for tele-homoeopathy, where patients in ru...
CGHS Empanelment for AYUSH Hospitals – application invited
It has been decided to have CGHS empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals will be made a continous process. Interested hospitals could apply for empa...
World Homeopathic Congress 2011
An international mega event: 66th 'World Homeopathic Congress' on "Homeopathy for Public Health" to be held in the Capi...