, , , Bach Flower Remedies | HOMEOTODAY

Bach Flower Remedies are said to be specially useful in the treatment of psychological and psychosomatic disorders, various mental states and physical problems arising from them.
Bach Flower Remedies are Flower Essences with one exception of Rock Water, which is a specific natural spring water, but is clubbed with the others derived from the flowers and some other parts of wild plants and trees of English countryside. Introduced between 1931 and 1935 by Dr. Edward Bach of England, the remedies or essences are 38 in number and have proved themselves over the years all over the world. They are called Bach Flower Remedies in England and Bach Flower Essences in USA.
Dr. Edward Bach (originally pronounced as Back, but later pronounced as Batch by his colleagues and that stuck) was born in 1886. He was of delicate health (and destiny chose him to discover a system which heals others!). His father wanted him to continue in the family business of foundry, but Edward chose to become a doctor. As was the usual practice, he studied in the regular orthodox medical system and worked in various hospitals. Like other path-breakers, he too was not satisfied with the system of treatment prevailing in his days. Thus he was always looking for better ways. In the course of his work, he became a bacteriologist and became acquainted with the work of Samuel Hahnemann, the brilliant German doctor who discovered the homeopathic principle of 'like cures like' about 150 years earlier.
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Dr. Bach was happy to realize that his ideas of mind influencing the matter were not new and that
Homeopathy recognized this long ago. However, he also felt that it should be possible to classify the basic human nature and the mental/emotional aberrations into a fairly limited number of classes or groups and thus simplify the method of treatment. He felt that once the mind is OK, body will become OK. Treat the person, not the individual symptom was his motto.
Dr. Bach prepared 7 nosodes from the intestinal flora of his patients and found excellent results in terms of restoration of health. But he had some aversion to administer disease products, of however minute quantity through the mouth to his patients. He was convinced that the same God/Nature which produced a problem also provided a solution and thus was compelled to abandon his practice in London and move to the countryside. There in the course of a few years, he discovered some wild flowers whose essences (not aromatic, by essence it is meant its healing properties) could help the person recover from negative emotions. He found that these essences work as efficiently or even more efficiently as the nosodes.
As mentioned , there are 38 of them and a compound or mixture of 5 of them discovered by Dr. Bach himself as being of invaluable service in emergencies and which he called appropriately as Rescue Remedy.
The list of remedies and their principal uses -
Name of the Remedy/Essence - Main symptom which it helps

Agrimony - Hiding problems behind a cheerful face
Aspen - Vague and indefinable fears
Beech - Intolerant of others, critical
Centaury - Weak-willed, easily led, unable to say no
Cerato - Not trusting one's own judgment, always asking others for advice
Cherry Plum - Fear of Losing control
Chestnut - Bud Failure to learn from past mistakes
Chicory - Possessive, Over-protective
Clematis - Dreaminess, lack of interest in the present
Crab Apple - Poor Self-Image, Sense of un-cleanliness
Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility
Gentian - Discouragement, Despondency
Gorse - Despair, Hopelessness
Heather - Self-centered, Talkative, Always talking about one-self
Holly - Envious, jealous, hatred, lack of love
Honeysuckle - Dwells on the past, nostalgic
Hornbeam - Mental weariness, doubting one's ability to cope, but doing well once taken up.
Impatiens - Impatience
Larch - Lack of confidence
Mimulus - Fear of specific known things
Mustard - Deep gloom with no origin, Depression
Oak - Exhausted but struggles on
Olive - Lack of Energy, exhaustion of body and Mind
Pine - Self-reproach, guilt
Red Chestnut - Fear or over concern for others
Rock Rose - Terror
Rock Water - Rigid, inflexible, self-denial
Scleranthus - Uncertainty, Indecision
Star of Bethlehem - After effects of Shock
Sweet Chestnut - Extreme Mental Anguish
Vervain - Over enthusiasm
Vine - Assertive, dominating, inflexible
Walnut - Protective from change and outside influences
Water Violet - Proud, Aloof
White Chestnut - Unwanted thoughts, mental arguments
Wild Oat - Uncertainty as to correct path in life
Wild Rose - Resignation, apathy
Willow - Self-pity, Resentment
Rescue Remedy - For emergency

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